Monday, June 28, 2010

Nails Did, Shirts Got, Rolls, Journal, and Little Bit…

First things first…the winner of the shrinky dinky potato chip keychain is Rebecca (4smartmonkeys on swap-bot) Congratulations! I already owe you a couple of things in the mail so this will come along with them!
While at Chemo on Friday I was doing one of my journal entries and the ‘art therapist’ saw me…she said they had art kits for cancer patients and that she would bring me one…so I got this great tote filled with a really nice pad of watercolor paper, a set of paints, two really nice brushes, a set of really nice water colored pencils, masking tape, a waterproof pen, and an introduction book for easy watercolor projects like making bookmarks…I’ve never watercolor painted before so I am excited to try it out and see what I come up with…
This group called Creating Hope meets the first and second Tuesdays of the month to do art therapy…
For over four months now I have been trying to grow my nails out…I used to be very diligent about getting acrylic nails every two to three weeks because I just LOVE how the fake nails with the beautiful French manicure made me feel…Girly beautiful…
Those fake nails came off for two reasons… first, for the sake of saving some money and second, because it is not advised to have fake nails while receiving chemo…it can take months for damaged ‘real’ nails to grow back in healthy and strong…this process took me about four months and I have been super excited about getting a manicure to celebrate…so after getting that first full paycheck in months, I celebrated with a manicure and pedicure…aren’t they lovely? (well, it is really hard to get a good picture of your feet!)
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I am an AVID flip-flopper wearing fool and keeping my feet presentable is always a challenge in the summer…but I will not be defeated easily…I will moisturize, Pedegg off skin, and clean everyday so I can enjoy the freedom that flip-flops bring…
My favorite part of getting my nails done that day?
Discovering and taking a picture of the smoking Buddha…
Saturday I was feeling pretty good so mom and I took a quick trip to Evansville to check out the deals at Lane Bryant and to see if I could put the coupons I had to good use…Mom and Christopher paid for half of what I got as my birthday present and I paid for the other half…I was able to get four comfy tee-shirts, two summer crop shirts and two new tanks…
Here are the two crop shirts, they were both on clearance making them amazing deals…I could not believe the stripped one was originally 50 dollars…INSANE!
These are the tee-shirts, (they were buy one get one for 10 dollars so a pretty good deal coupled with coupons) they have a nice v-neck, but not enough to show cleavage (which can be a challenge at times) they are SUPER comfortable and man did I need just some plain colored shirts…I’m excited because I can pair them with the nice jewelry I have from when I used to sell Lia Sophia Jewelry…
I took all my unloved skirts out from their under the bed box and paired them up with my new shirts…I am excited to wear skirts more through the summer…
Here is how the shirts look on me…I wore this to church with a large pink necklace and it looked nice…there are a couple of green flowers on the skirt that make it match nicely…
and lastly here are the clearance tanks I found…I love them because of the texture, they are very flattering…they are black and kind of silvery (looks white in the picture)…
On our way out of the mall we stopped at the Yankee Candle Store to peruse their clearance…and got this beautiful bird tea light holder for 3 bucks (70% off)…
and I could NOT pass up this gnome tea light holder for 1 dollar (over 90% off) I know it is kind of cheesy but I just love them and they will add a bit of whimsy where ever they decides to live…
On the way home, my stomach was feeling rather good so I suggested we stop at the Roadhouse and share a meal and partake in their AMAZING rolls…
Mom and I shared a double pork chop meal that came with two sides and it was really great, she had some fries with hers and I had a baked potato along with like 8 rolls…The waiter we had took great care of us…for dessert we had a chocolate covered brownie (with vanilla ice-cream on top) and it was AMAZING, I recommend getting one next time you stop in…
When we were leaving we had one sad roll left and I asked for a small box to take it home with us…our waiter took the subtle hint and asked if I would like another order to take home with us and I said
Yes, Please!
so we were able to enjoy rolls with our Sunday dinner as well…
It was a great pre-birthday dinner, since i will be working on Thursday…and I have no shame in LOVING my birthday!!!!
Journal Challenge Time!
Day13: Write about those Silly Insecurities we all have…include the word BUT…in your picture
Day 14: Focus on all your good qualities…using my BUT from the last page I said…BUT…here is why I ROCK SOCKS :)
Day 15: Make a list of things to accomplish in July…I wrote…Have a great 29th Birthday, wear more skirts and make-up, more laughter, eat healthier, live with artistic imperfections, talk to friends more, follow Jesus, and finish my 5th chemo…
Lastly, I wanted to include this fun picture of my Little Bit, she is saying “Please stop trying to take my picture and let me outside!” Don’t you just LOVE her ears? The best is when one is up and one is down :)
Today (Monday) I have slept pretty much all day…I’m tired and a tiny bit shaky, but am thankful I am not feeling any worse…
Have a great week blog friends…I am going to try to post more regularly so I don’t have such crazy long posts…I’m off to enjoy some Monday night T.V. and maybe do a little art making!
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Friday, June 25, 2010

A Day Out, Chemo #4, Mail, and Journal Entries…

Yesterday Amanda, Norma, and I took a little trip to Evansville…Amanda needed art supplies, Norma had a few errands to run and I was along just to get out of the house and soak up some sunshine…

Here we are at McDonalds enjoying some ice cream before our last stop of the day…
One of the stops we made was to a pet store, they had a whole assortment of beautiful dog cookies (they smelled like the real thing, SO GOOD)…
I couldn’t resist buying Little Bit the red icing fire hydrant…After I got home we decided the cookie was entirely too big for her so we cut it into fourths…She LOVED LOVED LOVED it!
Here I am sporting my blonde wig..
I have to say that I like it MUCH better than the reddish/brown one…I could not believe how much cooler it was than wearing a scarf or a hat…I wore it our whole trip and it didn’t bother me too much…so I think I might wear this and wait until I can see the wig person before attempting the darker one again…
Guess what?
I got an early birthday present…
Amanda and Norma got me this necklace…I had admired it at Amanda’s party but didn’t think about getting it…it is really beautiful! The green stones look different in different lights…Today I am wearing it (while getting chemo) with a gray collared t-shirt and it looks really good…
Happy Happy EARLY birthday to ME!!!!!!
Also yesterday was  a pretty good mail day…I got a great pen pal letter from Robin, a funny card and puzzle from a swap-bot friend who has taken it upon herself to be a chemo angel to me (THANK YOU sara!)
I got a big box of hats one of my former co-workers Julie made for me…
She sent some hats, and scarves (one I turned into a headband and wore yesterday with my wig) and a couple of headband things…I’m not surprised because Julie is a super thoughtful, genuine person and I am lucky to call her friend even though we live so far apart
In true Julie fashion there was a funny surprise waiting for me in the box…she had taken all the hats to work and had my former coworkers put them on and she made this FUN collage…
I can just hear her loud wonderful laugh as she put this together…isn’t it great? I will treasure it…
Today is my fourth chemo treatment so I am exactly halfway done…
Break out the piƱata!
…I had an appointment with Dr. M today and he said my numbers looked great and that I am doing extraordinarily well with the treatments…he commented on how much smaller my face looks and how I now have a neck…who would have thought I’d be thankful for my neck?
Dr. M has ordered two CT Scans before my next chemo I am assuming to assess how things are progressing and shrinking…so hopefully in three weeks I will have some concrete idea of how all this treatment is working…
STOP! Journal Time…
Day 11; List your favorite things in the following four categories…T.V., Food, Music, and Splurges…this is not my most inspired page ever…but they all can’t be winners eh?
Day 12; today was all about trends…
we were to show some trends that we like or are doing right now…I picked blogging, reusable grocery bags, the bird craze, touch screen phones, acrylic nails (which is miss terribly *tear*) and art journaling…I am pretty happy with how some of my drawing came out…I’m good at abstract and using color, but ask me to draw something that resembles anything and I FREEZE…but I done did pretty good with this one!
Mom just left after bringing me a yummy fish sandwich from McDonalds for lunch…I have about another hour to go and I will be out of here!
Later, blog friends…YOU ROCK!
Oh and I know I still haven’t picked a winner for the potato chip bag key chain…the next post I promise a winner will be announced…I’m a SLACKER!!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramblings of a Wounded Female Soldier for Christ

"And the woman which has an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, else were your children unclean but now are they holy.(1 Corinthians 7:13-14)"

Do you know how you can sanctify your unbelieving husband? Pray, Pray, Pray. Even if your husband claims to be a believer but by his actions he seems to prove otherwise. Pray, Pray, & Pray. Do you submit to an unbelieving husband? Do not worry. Just pray. Do you feel your privileges of molding your children to be pure and godly get snatched from you by your unbelieving husband? Be brave like Sarah who obeyed Abraham while he was foolish. Please do not let bitterness seep in. Do not let relatives meddle in your marriage. What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Do not even complain to your parents about your spouse ever. Never ever do that. Never ever complain to anybody about your spouse accept to God.

Fall on your face before him in humility and ask for His help with your bitter tears. He will hear you. He will help you. I know sometimes you just want to say "Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out." Believe me. I know you want to say this. I know you want to take the door and slam it 3 times really, really loud. But, please just pray. I say this because I have witnessed many miracles in my own marriage. Don't ever act like you don't want him around because this hurts them really bad. The virtuous woman does him good and not harm all the days of his life. If he threatens to leave say please don't go. Tell him you love him and you don't want him to go. If you have sinned against him acknowledge it right away. Never ever protect your pride. God resists the proud and gives favor to the humble. God will give you the victory if your heart's desire is for your man to be saved. What does the scripture say? Pray for them that persecute you and despitefully use you. If you disobeyed this acknowledge and confess your sins before God.

Watch and wait his miracles will soon fall upon you. This is for real. Don't be too bitter to pray for God's help. He will come quickly to provide for your rescue and refresh you. I have seen my husband's additude change from a bully to a prince charming through prayer. It may only last long enough to refresh you before you have to battle over evil with good all over again but remember that as you fight the battle of faith you will experience pain but it makes you a strong woman. A female soldier for God.

If you are a believer you know that God hates divorce. Ask the Lord to change your heart to follow after His.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wigs…Yes? No? Maybe?…hmmmmm

Monday morning I got off work at 7am came home and made myself stay awake until 10am because I was going to a seminar called “Look Good Feel Better” at the cancer center…


It was fun, we got a bag full of donated make-up items…there was someone there who went through the proper ways to put on make-up…I was the youngest one by far and it was fun to watch the older women try to figure out how to use the make-up…


here I am beautified!


After being all made up it was time for some fun trying on wigs…first I did red…


Doesn’t this wig look amazing on her?


it looks so real, she is as bald as I am and with that on you would never tell…I did not find a wig that looked that natural on me…also her eyebrows are drawn on because she has lost her eyebrows (something I am not looking forward too, and hoping doesn’t happen)


Here I am in a blond wig…


this one was my favorite, it is not styled here so it doesn’t look perfect but I really like it…I figure most people know I have cancer and don’t have hair so who cares if it looks a little fake right?


Today (Wednesday) I went to the Dollar Store to buy some dog food and decided to wear one of the two wigs I got for free at the “Look Good Feel Better” seminar…here is a shot from the back


and here is me in the car…


I don’t like this picture AT ALL and have decided that I am going to wait until I can take the wigs to a wig shop and have them trimmed to better fit my style and can be taught how to put them on better before I go out in them…I will feel more secure. The wig shop is not open until the 29th so it will be a little bit before I can get in to do that…until then it will be all bald all the time :)


While I was out off came the wig…


Doesn’t it look funny just hanging out next to my purse and wallet?


Journal Time


day 8 the prompt was to illustrate an inside joke and I was blank so I ended up writing a letter to someone (a little too personal to share, sorry)


Day 9 Describe a special person in your life and write as many adjectives as you can and use different topography for each word…I deided to choose myself because I needed to remind myself of some of my qualities…


Day 10 What do you collect…


I am very much considering going to Lane Bryant


and getting some new clothes…I have not bought new anything except for some pajamas for almost two years, and I am so weary of looking in my closet and feeling like i have nothing to put on…I have no good casual short sleeve summer clothes I feel good in, and let’s face it people it is SWELTERING here…so flippin’ hot!


I have a couple of good coupons so MAYBE if I feel well enough on Saturday (I have my fourth chemo treatment Friday) mom and I might take that hour trip to Evansville and check out what they have…


Later Friends!

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Woman of Faith

Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And, Behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil". But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, "Send her away; for she crieth after us". But he answered and said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Then came she and worshipped him, saying, "Lord, help me". But he answered and said, "It is not mete to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs". And she said, "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table". Then Jesus answered and said unto her, "O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt". And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. (Mathew 15:21-28)

As I was reading this morning I thought of what this translates to in my life. "O Lord, have mercy on me, an imperfect wife. My husband is ___________".  And then the Lord seems ignore me or not be willing to answer my prayers for him fast enough. And then people critisizes him saying "__________".  I still worship Jesus and pray, "Please help us". He seems to say by silence, "It is not mete for me to bless your home with godliness because your 'head' is not walking in obedience to my words". I say, "yet the dogs (unequally yoked wives) eat the crumbs (read of the blessings) that fall from the godly  family's table. Jesus is saying to me: "O woman, have faith in me for your husband and your household and it will be made whole"... Amen

I apologize for my failure to articulate well. I pray my readers will understand the spirit of what I am saying.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Feeling Good…

Day 5 of the journal challenge…
represent your favorite blogs
Day 6 of the journal challenge, we had to finish the thought…
it’s time to…what?
Day 7 of the journal challenge today was simple…
write how you are feeling today…
I wrote that I am feeling good because the past couple of days I feel better than I have in months…and I like it, my energy is up and I have the mental energy to do some organizing, cleaning, and crafting which is always a good sign for me…I don’t have chemo until this coming Friday so I have five more days of feeling good and I like it! I want to be spontaneous this week and I want to be silly and I want to have fun :)
Any ideas on how I can do that?
I’ve been decorating some matchboxes…
did you know you can turn this…
Into THIS! 
I put the SAY sticker on there because I had watched the movie Leatherheads set in the twenties and that was how they said HI to each other…I found that interesting…
This will be filled with beads before I mail it out
This is for someone that wanted a red matchbox…
I used glitter for like the first time since I was six so that was an experience…messy even when I was being careful but the end result I think was worth it…
Sparkly Sparkly!
I will fill it with all things red before I mail it out
matchboxes are fun to make and it is fun to try and find things that will fit into such a small box…
they would be fun gifts for kids to keep their treasures in
or just a rainy day craft…
all you need is a glue stick, some paper, and do-dads to decorate it with…
Tomorrow morning I am going to the cancer center for something called “Look Good Feel Better” it is for women cancer patients to help them feel beautiful during this time they may not feel so beautiful…like when they have no hair…so we get a package of free makeup and beauty products and spend a couple of hours playing with wigs and making ourselves beautiful…I’m a little nervous because I don’t know anyone that will be there, but I have heard it is fun so look for an update and probably some pictures of that…
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