Sunday, June 20, 2010

Feeling Good…

Day 5 of the journal challenge…
represent your favorite blogs
Day 6 of the journal challenge, we had to finish the thought…
it’s time to…what?
Day 7 of the journal challenge today was simple…
write how you are feeling today…
I wrote that I am feeling good because the past couple of days I feel better than I have in months…and I like it, my energy is up and I have the mental energy to do some organizing, cleaning, and crafting which is always a good sign for me…I don’t have chemo until this coming Friday so I have five more days of feeling good and I like it! I want to be spontaneous this week and I want to be silly and I want to have fun :)
Any ideas on how I can do that?
I’ve been decorating some matchboxes…
did you know you can turn this…
Into THIS! 
I put the SAY sticker on there because I had watched the movie Leatherheads set in the twenties and that was how they said HI to each other…I found that interesting…
This will be filled with beads before I mail it out
This is for someone that wanted a red matchbox…
I used glitter for like the first time since I was six so that was an experience…messy even when I was being careful but the end result I think was worth it…
Sparkly Sparkly!
I will fill it with all things red before I mail it out
matchboxes are fun to make and it is fun to try and find things that will fit into such a small box…
they would be fun gifts for kids to keep their treasures in
or just a rainy day craft…
all you need is a glue stick, some paper, and do-dads to decorate it with…
Tomorrow morning I am going to the cancer center for something called “Look Good Feel Better” it is for women cancer patients to help them feel beautiful during this time they may not feel so beautiful…like when they have no hair…so we get a package of free makeup and beauty products and spend a couple of hours playing with wigs and making ourselves beautiful…I’m a little nervous because I don’t know anyone that will be there, but I have heard it is fun so look for an update and probably some pictures of that…
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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