Friday, June 25, 2010

A Day Out, Chemo #4, Mail, and Journal Entries…

Yesterday Amanda, Norma, and I took a little trip to Evansville…Amanda needed art supplies, Norma had a few errands to run and I was along just to get out of the house and soak up some sunshine…

Here we are at McDonalds enjoying some ice cream before our last stop of the day…
One of the stops we made was to a pet store, they had a whole assortment of beautiful dog cookies (they smelled like the real thing, SO GOOD)…
I couldn’t resist buying Little Bit the red icing fire hydrant…After I got home we decided the cookie was entirely too big for her so we cut it into fourths…She LOVED LOVED LOVED it!
Here I am sporting my blonde wig..
I have to say that I like it MUCH better than the reddish/brown one…I could not believe how much cooler it was than wearing a scarf or a hat…I wore it our whole trip and it didn’t bother me too much…so I think I might wear this and wait until I can see the wig person before attempting the darker one again…
Guess what?
I got an early birthday present…
Amanda and Norma got me this necklace…I had admired it at Amanda’s party but didn’t think about getting it…it is really beautiful! The green stones look different in different lights…Today I am wearing it (while getting chemo) with a gray collared t-shirt and it looks really good…
Happy Happy EARLY birthday to ME!!!!!!
Also yesterday was  a pretty good mail day…I got a great pen pal letter from Robin, a funny card and puzzle from a swap-bot friend who has taken it upon herself to be a chemo angel to me (THANK YOU sara!)
I got a big box of hats one of my former co-workers Julie made for me…
She sent some hats, and scarves (one I turned into a headband and wore yesterday with my wig) and a couple of headband things…I’m not surprised because Julie is a super thoughtful, genuine person and I am lucky to call her friend even though we live so far apart
In true Julie fashion there was a funny surprise waiting for me in the box…she had taken all the hats to work and had my former coworkers put them on and she made this FUN collage…
I can just hear her loud wonderful laugh as she put this together…isn’t it great? I will treasure it…
Today is my fourth chemo treatment so I am exactly halfway done…
Break out the piñata!
…I had an appointment with Dr. M today and he said my numbers looked great and that I am doing extraordinarily well with the treatments…he commented on how much smaller my face looks and how I now have a neck…who would have thought I’d be thankful for my neck?
Dr. M has ordered two CT Scans before my next chemo I am assuming to assess how things are progressing and shrinking…so hopefully in three weeks I will have some concrete idea of how all this treatment is working…
STOP! Journal Time…
Day 11; List your favorite things in the following four categories…T.V., Food, Music, and Splurges…this is not my most inspired page ever…but they all can’t be winners eh?
Day 12; today was all about trends…
we were to show some trends that we like or are doing right now…I picked blogging, reusable grocery bags, the bird craze, touch screen phones, acrylic nails (which is miss terribly *tear*) and art journaling…I am pretty happy with how some of my drawing came out…I’m good at abstract and using color, but ask me to draw something that resembles anything and I FREEZE…but I done did pretty good with this one!
Mom just left after bringing me a yummy fish sandwich from McDonalds for lunch…I have about another hour to go and I will be out of here!
Later, blog friends…YOU ROCK!
Oh and I know I still haven’t picked a winner for the potato chip bag key chain…the next post I promise a winner will be announced…I’m a SLACKER!!
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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