Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wigs…Yes? No? Maybe?…hmmmmm

Monday morning I got off work at 7am came home and made myself stay awake until 10am because I was going to a seminar called “Look Good Feel Better” at the cancer center…


It was fun, we got a bag full of donated make-up items…there was someone there who went through the proper ways to put on make-up…I was the youngest one by far and it was fun to watch the older women try to figure out how to use the make-up…


here I am beautified!


After being all made up it was time for some fun trying on wigs…first I did red…


Doesn’t this wig look amazing on her?


it looks so real, she is as bald as I am and with that on you would never tell…I did not find a wig that looked that natural on me…also her eyebrows are drawn on because she has lost her eyebrows (something I am not looking forward too, and hoping doesn’t happen)


Here I am in a blond wig…


this one was my favorite, it is not styled here so it doesn’t look perfect but I really like it…I figure most people know I have cancer and don’t have hair so who cares if it looks a little fake right?


Today (Wednesday) I went to the Dollar Store to buy some dog food and decided to wear one of the two wigs I got for free at the “Look Good Feel Better” seminar…here is a shot from the back


and here is me in the car…


I don’t like this picture AT ALL and have decided that I am going to wait until I can take the wigs to a wig shop and have them trimmed to better fit my style and can be taught how to put them on better before I go out in them…I will feel more secure. The wig shop is not open until the 29th so it will be a little bit before I can get in to do that…until then it will be all bald all the time :)


While I was out off came the wig…


Doesn’t it look funny just hanging out next to my purse and wallet?


Journal Time


day 8 the prompt was to illustrate an inside joke and I was blank so I ended up writing a letter to someone (a little too personal to share, sorry)


Day 9 Describe a special person in your life and write as many adjectives as you can and use different topography for each word…I deided to choose myself because I needed to remind myself of some of my qualities…


Day 10 What do you collect…


I am very much considering going to Lane Bryant


and getting some new clothes…I have not bought new anything except for some pajamas for almost two years, and I am so weary of looking in my closet and feeling like i have nothing to put on…I have no good casual short sleeve summer clothes I feel good in, and let’s face it people it is SWELTERING here…so flippin’ hot!


I have a couple of good coupons so MAYBE if I feel well enough on Saturday (I have my fourth chemo treatment Friday) mom and I might take that hour trip to Evansville and check out what they have…


Later Friends!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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