Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever experienced Sleep Paralysis?
Off and on from childhood I have experienced sleep paralysis. It is crazy scary.
Most recently was this evening. I was laying on the couch and dozed off.
I remember it being a very intermittent sleep.
Mom came in the living room and turned on “Dirty Jobs” show.
This episode was about dog sledding.
Not coincidently (I’m sure) I was dreaming about being at a dog sledding camp.
I remember waking up feeling the dog against my leg and trying to move.
I could not, and fell back asleep.
I woke again, tried to move, couldn’t and started to panic.
I tried to jiggle my legs, and talk…nothing, then I fell back asleep.
I woke again, couldn’t moved and internally squirmed for what felt like a long time…finally forcing my eyes open.
I was AWAKE!
I asked mom if she heard me trying to get up and she said that I was making a lot of noise but she just thought it was me sleeping (because I do make cute little sighing sounds in my sleep)…
I was like NO you should have woke me up!
She thinks I must have gotten this from my dad’s side of the family because she has never experienced anything like that.
I remember a few times as a child sleeping and not being able to open my eyes or move when I woke.
And I remember it being terrifying.
I would try my hardest to say “mom, mom, MOM”
and nothing would come out.
I am just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.
Maybe this is why I am scared of every having to have surgery and be unconscious. Once I saw a 20/20 report on people who have had surgery and their minds woke but not their bodies and they felt all the pain…HOW SCAREY. Luckily so far I’ve never had to be unconscious. I have a feeling I would flip-out if I was told I had to be put under.
Here is a definition of sleep paralysis I found on-line.
Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the
brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false".

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Christmas Cards

I need help...I am trying to figure out how to personalize the pre-made Christmas cards I bought on clearance last year. The set is complete with cards, foil lined envelopes, address labels, seals, and paper to write a letter.
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Here are some examples of things I've done in the past.
#1. First Christmas out of college, I ripped and glued and coated these inserts that I then put in the inside of the cards. It took a while but I was really please with them
#2. This was just two squares, one a tiny bit bigger than the other with a brad in the corner to make it easy to rotate to get your present inside…verse Isaiah 9:6
#3. Year three the card was from wal-mart clearene the year before, then the insert with my favorite Christmas verse (the Message version).
#4. Handmade from start to finish, ribbons, stamps, embellishments, and a lot of sweat. My favorite part was cutting an inch from the front of the card and putting the red trim on the inside of the card so it showed when you had the card closed and opened. There were several versions of the front, two are shown here.
#5. Last year’s card would scan right but I didn’t do much but stamp a snowflake and add an embellishment…I wasn’t really in the right place to be making an interesting card because I was figuring out whether to move or not.
This year I am ready to put myself in my cards again.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I will be sure to post the final product.
It will be good *smile*

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Love Affair…

With V8 Fusion LIGHT juice…
Runs deep…
I’d probably MARRY it if I could

Monday, October 26, 2009

AUTUMN in Southern Indiana

Here are some pictures of the trees that are right out side the big window next to me.

The last few mornings it has been GEORGEOUS outside…

The glow of the morning mixed with the colors of the trees has been just plain amazing!

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the greens with the orange and the branches is perfect

I’d make a room with this combination of colors!



Sunday, October 25, 2009

USE YOUR BRAIN…for goodness sakes

The last six months, I've gotten Oprah magazines because of some random free offer. This month there was an interesting article about how to awaken the side of the brain that is not used often.
So in an effort to shake my brain I wrote an entire letter backwards to a friend. After the first few sentences it was pretty easy. The recipient, in order to read the letter, will have to hold it up to the mirror. Sounds like fun huh?
Here are quotes from that article (i actually ended up copying most of it because I thought it was good)...
Read on and maybe you will be inspired.
"...Historically, most brain science came from studying people whose brains had been damaged. Depending on the injury's location, these patients had varying disabilities: If you lost one brain section, you might be unable to do long division; wipe out another patch, and your lace-tatting days were over. The famous Phineas Gage had an iron rod rammed all the way through his head, permanently losing the ability to be nice. One can hardly blame him.
People with left-hemisphere brain injuries may have trouble thinking analytically or making rational decisions. Many with damage to the right hemisphere, on the other hand, can stil pass their SATs but become unable to connect parts into a meaningful whole. Oliver Sacks wrote about such a patient in 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.'. This gentleman saw perfectly but could identify what he saw only by guessing. If you showed him a rose, he might say' "Well, it's red on top, green and prickly below, and it smells nice....Is it a flower?" One day, while looking for his hat to put on, he reached for his wife instead, perhaps thinking: It is familiar, and it goes with me everywhere....Is it my hat? I'm sure this was awful for his poor wife, though it could have been worse (Well, it's the size of a small house and it needs cleaning....Is it my garage?)
In his book 'The Talent Code' Daniel Coyle describes how the brain reacts when a person develops a new skill. Performing an action involves firing an electrical signal through a neural pathway; each time this happens, it thickens the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers like the rubber coating on electrical wires. The thicker the myelin sheath around a neural pathway, the more easily and effectively we use it. Heavily myelinated pathways equal mad skills.
Throughout your education, you myelinated the left-brain pathways for thinking logically. You were prepared for predictability and order, not today's constant flood of innovation and change. Now you need to build up myelin sheaths around new skill circuits, located in your right hemisphere. To do this, you need something Coyle calls deep practice.
Deep practice is the same no matter what the skill. First visualize an ability you'd like to acquire-swimming like Dara Torres, painting like Grandma Moses, handling iron rods like Uncle Phineas. The try to replicate that behavior. Initially, you'll fail. That's good; failure is an essential element of deep practice. Next analyze your errors, noting exactly where your performance didn't match your ideal. Now try again. You'll still probably fail (remember that is a good thing), but in Samuel Beckett's words, you'll "fail better".
Examples of people engaged in deep practice are everywhere. Think of American Idol contestants improving their singing, or Tiger Woods perfecting his gold swing. I once saw a television interviewer present Toni Morrison with the original manuscript of one of her masterpieces. Morrison became slightly distracted, running critical eyes across the page, wanting to make changes. She clearly can't stop deep practicing. That is why she won the Nobel Prize.
Here are some tricks you can deep practice to buff up your right hemisphere.
#1. Sign your name every which way.
Here is one exercise. Sign your name. Done?
Okay, now things get gnarly sign again, but this time' do it in mirror writing-right to left, rather than left to right (just moving your hand backward fires the right brain hemisphere). Got that? Now sign upside down. Repeat this until you can sign in all directions. Good luck"...
So in an effort to shake my brain I wrote an entire letter backwards to a friend. After the first few sentences it was pretty easy. The recipient, in order to read the letter, will have to hold it up to the mirror. Sounds like fun huh?
"...#2. Have a bilateral conversation.
For this exercise, take a pencil in your right hand (even if you're left handed) and write the question: "How's it going?" The switch to your left hand, and write whatever pops up. Your nondominant hand's writing will be shaky-that's okay. The important thing isn't tidiness: it's noticing that your twin hemispheres have different personalities.
The right side of the brain, which controls the left hand, will say things you don't know that you know. It serializes in assessing your physical and mental feelings, and it often offers solutions. "Take a nap," your right hemisphere might say' or "Just do what feels right; we'll be fine." You'll find there's a little Zen master in that left hand of yours (not surprisingly left-handed people are disproportionately represented in creative professions).
#3. Learn new moves.
You need your right hemisphere to move in an unfamiliar way, whether you're learning a complicated dance step or holding a new yoga posture.
Try this: Walk a few steps, noticing how your arms swing opposite your legs. Now walk with your right arm and right foot going forward simultaneously, then the left hand and left foot. Is this difficult? No? Then do it backward, with your eyes closed-any variation that's initially hard but ultimately learnable. You'll master a new skill, sure; more important, you'll build your overall right brain facility.
#3. Toss in the kitchen sink.
Time to push your newly awakened right hemisphere into useful service. Think of a problem that's had you stumped for a while; your preschooler won't nap, you can't make yourself exercise, you need to cut expenses without sacrificing quality of life. With this challenge in your mind, read a few paragraphs in several totally unrelated books. Then relax. Play with your cat, wash the dishes, watch the neighbors through binoculars. Think of the problem periodically, then drop it again.
This process encourages eureka epiphanies, like those moments in TV dramas where the brilliant doctor or sleuth gets the "ping" of insight that solves the case. Your first few ideas may not be perfect-many will be awful-but there are more where they came from. Once you begin encouraging the right brain to churn out solutions, it will do so more and more abundantly...
...Turning on your right bran is a skill, one that grows steadily stronger the more you work at it. Trigger the sensation of deep practice by mastering any unfamiliar task, feed challenges and stray information into your brain's database, and see new ideas begin to emerge. As they do, you'll move more confidently and productively through an increasing complex world. When I see you out rollerblading, eyes locked in a vacant yet squinty stare, I'll know you're getting the hang of it."

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm so excited...
I just can't hide it...
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it...
After getting the blessing of two computer knowledgeable men in my life, I am happy to announce that...
I am soon to be the owner of a "new to me" laptop.
In case you know about computers here are what they (those who know about computers) call SPECS.
Hp ZE5607
2.6GHZ Cpu
512MB Ram
30GB Hard Drive
DVD/cd Burner Combo Drive
15" Screen
Wifi Card
Power Adapter
New Install of windows XP Professional W/service Pack 3 and Office 2007
for $225
Apparently I am getting a good deal and as stated before...
I am so excited!
I could not be happier...for 11 long months working nights I have longed for a laptop so that I can...
Edit pictures
Watch movies
Start digital scrapbooking
E-mail people more often
Play solitary for goodness sakes
Take an on-line class maybe...
It is sure going to be nicer than trying to keep connected on these lonely nights with my cell phone.
Now, the problem...
I have to wait two weeks before getting it. A little thing called a paycheck stands in the way. Next weekend it will be shipped to its new home. MINE! Last week, I had to work on 'my week off' to participate in the annual training at work. While I could do a couple of more responsible things with the money earned from that training, this was too good to pass up, and the training sucked so I deserve it. Also, I might add it is too much of a coincidence, that the money made at this painful training is exactly what I needed.
One thing you might need to know about me is that I am impatient when it comes to things I know I'm going to get. I want pictures I order on the same day. I want the thing I ordered on the internet in my house yesterday. Instant gratification is the name of the game here people!
So...I will wait receive my 'new to me' toy...
Can I get a woot woot?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harvest of Friends Blog Party

WELCOME to the party...hope you have a good time...


I am left-handed and love it. I really believe there is something speical about us lefties. In order to write straight on paper I have to turn it completly sideways to me this is normal to others this...

Stops them in their tracks! This picture shows the idea of how my paper has to be for me to write only my paper is SERIOUSLY sideways.
What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging?
I like reduced fat cheeze-its, V8 fusion light strawberry/banana juice, crunchy grilled cheese sandwhiches, soggy bran flake cereal, pink lady organic apples, and chocolate (of course), rolls from texas roadhouse,
What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
There are SO many...ONE superfical one would hair gel this stuff is seriously MAGIC!

What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
Specifically washing utensils

What are your all time favorite movies, and TV shows?
Good Will Hunting, With Honors, My Best Friends Wedding, Pretty Woman, Two Weks Notice, The West Wing, M.A.S.H., The Amazing Race, So You Think You Can Dance, The audition portion of American Idol (i can't help it, the bad singers continue to crack me up), Early Seasons of The Real World (before it became all about sex)...I'm pretty much a TV addict I love the background noise it provides.

What first attracted you to your spouse?
I don’t know YET, I do know that I am attracted to strong men who know when I need comfort or a reality check...a man who has a subtle sense of humor, wit will get you far with me...a man who is firm in his faith and is action and not talk...I want someone who can look at me and see beyond the bull...the few times I've had a connection with a guy being able to see beyond the bull felt amazing...oh yeah and I want to be protected.
What is something you love to smell?

Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
I like things TOO organized and clean and it drives my mom and brother crazy! I am the first one to be blamed when something goes missing cause it HAS to be that I moved it.
When you have extra money (HA!) what's the first thing you think to do with it?
buy things that we need and can store...OR mail fun packages to friends

What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
Visit my 'SOUL' friends who live hours and states away

Who is your favorite character of all time (from a movie or book)? (Can't be real)
Will from Good Will Hunting and I have to say that it is NOT because Will is my PERFECT man...MMMMM I get shivers when I see him...don't you?

Would you want to be famous?
Yes I would
If I coveted wished for things (which I of course don't) I would covet wish for...a laptop (becacuse working nights is boring and with a laptop I could do digital scrapbooking, more serious blogging, and even start the small buisness I want), a dishwasher (because well I hate the clutter that not having a dishwasher creates on the counters), a miche bag purse (cuz they look SO cool), the complete west wing series on dvd (working nights is a lot of down time and this series would be perfect to watch during those times), and carpet...oh how I miss carpet (I know it helps with allergies but the dust bunnies are about to drive me INSANE)!
Well...I have had a mutant form of the flu and a cold so I hope that this post makes sense. I am just finishing it before going to sleep to rest up for work tonight. I hope to be able to visit others in this little party if not this week then next week. Hope you had a good time, I tried to find mildly interesting things to share (LOL)

Friday, October 16, 2009

random list


1. Go to Egypt


2. Get Master’s


3. Become financially secure, get 1 month salary in savings


4. Get a job with medical/dental benefits


5. Run a mile


6. Get a 200.00 dollar haircut


7. Make a signature perfume


8. Take mom on a cruise


9. Meet Matt Damon


10. Have a swanky party with a SPY theme


11. Find a pair of comfortable high heels


12. Be a part of a great adventure like in ‘National Treasure’


13. Go back to Russia


14. Learn to balance anxiety/depression/being an introvert with living a fulfilled life


15. See…

     Wicked, Blue Man Group, Cirque de Soli, Lion King ect…


16. Go on a hot air balloon ride


17. Visit my missionary friends in Portugal


18. Become a wife and mother


19. Find the PERFECT bra


20. Continue to grow…to be open to

