Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harvest of Friends Blog Party

WELCOME to the party...hope you have a good time...


I am left-handed and love it. I really believe there is something speical about us lefties. In order to write straight on paper I have to turn it completly sideways to me this is normal to others this...

Stops them in their tracks! This picture shows the idea of how my paper has to be for me to write only my paper is SERIOUSLY sideways.
What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging?
I like reduced fat cheeze-its, V8 fusion light strawberry/banana juice, crunchy grilled cheese sandwhiches, soggy bran flake cereal, pink lady organic apples, and chocolate (of course), rolls from texas roadhouse,
What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
There are SO many...ONE superfical one would be...my hair gel this stuff is seriously MAGIC!

What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
Specifically washing utensils

What are your all time favorite movies, and TV shows?
Good Will Hunting, With Honors, My Best Friends Wedding, Pretty Woman, Two Weks Notice, The West Wing, M.A.S.H., The Amazing Race, So You Think You Can Dance, The audition portion of American Idol (i can't help it, the bad singers continue to crack me up), Early Seasons of The Real World (before it became all about sex)...I'm pretty much a TV addict I love the background noise it provides.

What first attracted you to your spouse?
I don’t know YET, I do know that I am attracted to strong men who know when I need comfort or a reality check...a man who has a subtle sense of humor, wit will get you far with me...a man who is firm in his faith and is action and not talk...I want someone who can look at me and see beyond the bull...the few times I've had a connection with a guy being able to see beyond the bull felt amazing...oh yeah and I want to be protected.
What is something you love to smell?

Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
I like things TOO organized and clean and it drives my mom and brother crazy! I am the first one to be blamed when something goes missing cause it HAS to be that I moved it.
When you have extra money (HA!) what's the first thing you think to do with it?
buy things that we need and can store...OR mail fun packages to friends

What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
Visit my 'SOUL' friends who live hours and states away

Who is your favorite character of all time (from a movie or book)? (Can't be real)
Will from Good Will Hunting and I have to say that it is NOT because Will is my PERFECT man...MMMMM I get shivers when I see him...don't you?

Would you want to be famous?
Yes I would
If I coveted wished for things (which I of course don't) I would covet wish for...a laptop (becacuse working nights is boring and with a laptop I could do digital scrapbooking, more serious blogging, and even start the small buisness I want), a dishwasher (because well I hate the clutter that not having a dishwasher creates on the counters), a miche bag purse (cuz they look SO cool), the complete west wing series on dvd (working nights is a lot of down time and this series would be perfect to watch during those times), and carpet...oh how I miss carpet (I know it helps with allergies but the dust bunnies are about to drive me INSANE)!
Well...I have had a mutant form of the flu and a cold so I hope that this post makes sense. I am just finishing it before going to sleep to rest up for work tonight. I hope to be able to visit others in this little party if not this week then next week. Hope you had a good time, I tried to find mildly interesting things to share (LOL)

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