Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reflection (my father's life)


(forgiven, artist: Thomas Blackshear)

Psalm 130
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD;

2 O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.

3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.

5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.

6 My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.

8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.

This picture struck a chord in my heart from the first.

The man being held up has a striking resemblance to my father.

scan0005 (dad, Ike and brother, Christopher: probably 20 years ago)

Not only does this picture resemble my father, the verse the artist attached to it resembles his life.

3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness;

Dad was a poor father. In my eyes the saving grace was that he knew. It wasn’t until after he died, I gained perspective and matured enough to completely forgive.

How amazing that we serve a God with whom forgiveness is instant and permanent.

Prone to holding grudges that I don’t realize I’m holding until I get upset, this kind of Godly forgiveness sometimes seems unobtainable.

I would like to share a bit of my father’s ‘story’.

He was born to a large family. He was abused. He was poor. He got messed up.

At seventeen while on a date with a girl in the woods (it is unknown if he was drunk or high) he lost his temper and stabbed her to death. After killing her he tried to hide her body in the river a ran. Eventually, family convinced him to turn himself into the police. During his stay in jail he and five others escaped using bed sheets (like in the movies). Caught again he was then sentenced to prison where he spent the next ten years. Not knowing what his sentence was I can’t say how early he was released. My GUESS is that because he was a minor, and back then minors were not prosecuted as adults that his sentence was not life.

I believe that who he was as my father is a result of being confined in prison for years. I’ve been told that who my father was in my adolescence is not who is was when my mother met him after he was release from prison.

I’m told he was engaging, dynamic, funny ect…I do not remember anything before the age of 10 so other than pictures I do not have those kind of memories. I cringe when I hear someone in a restaurant that reminds me of him.

In prison he found Jesus. I choose to believe until the end he was saved and forgiven. I choose to believe that though he continued to make mistakes we serve a God who did not give up on him.

He then married my mom. They eloped.

Had a daughter and a son,

and lived happily ever after

I saw him verbally abuse my mother, and experienced it myself. He was addicted to pain medication. He looked at porn on the internet. He was short tempered. He did not hold a job for the last 10-15 years of his life. He smoked. He spent money poorly. He was depressed. He was cocky. He was broken in ALOT of ways.

His death (a morphine overdose due to a recent back surgery) was ruled an accident but something inside of me will never be completely 100% sure that he did not commit suicide.


He gave me a childhood grounded in faith. He made me a lot of who I am (the good and the bad). Ultimately I like who I am. I have been told many times, by my mother, it is because ‘you are a Best’. He gave me depression, that I will continue to look at as a blessing. He gave me my addictive personality traits (gotta have a passion!) By his life I learned how to not let those addictions OVERTAKE and ruin my life. He gave me my intelligence. He gave me my artistic ability. Through him I learned the ways I would not let a man treat me, and how to stand up for myself.

Most importantly he loved me, even when I could not/ would not let him.

My father is the man in the picture. My father is the verse:

3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O Lord,
who could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Here’s to trying something new…

A few days ago feeling bloated achy and I decided to make a concerted effort to eat healthier. This included going to the store before work and buying some fruit.


I am not a vegetable fan, so I picked up some V8 fusion juice and it really tastes pretty good. The ‘fusion’ taste test went well so I bought some original V8 juice. Two words…


It tasted SO bad, I almost couldn’t swallow.


The cute book in the front of the first picture is to document this adventure.

So far I am feeling better…

more energy

less achiness

and amazingly I am not craving soda like I thought I would…things that make you go hmmmmmmmm…

I have not been perfect…Hersey kisses, some Wendy's fries and a Tostitos pizza may have been consumed. Perfection is not the destination. I’m a bit of a rebel so I will indulge cause if I don’t I will eat a whole box of cookies.

Wish me luck, I want to document this so that I am accountable.

starting weight; between 294-299 depending on when I weigh

starting body feeling; run down, achy, sick a lot

Goals; a trimmer tummy, and increased confidence in the world (at home I am fine with who I am, outside of that door…I lose something about myself)


Saturday, September 26, 2009


Sunday was mom's birthday party.

Wonder of wonders and miracle of miracles she had NO idea! Can you believe it? I made so many mistakes in the days before and was convinced she had figured it out.

Planning a surprise party turned out more work than I could have anticipated. By the time it started I was EXHAUSTED. Mom's friends were such a blessing taking over once it started and telling me to "go enjoy the party".

It rained like crazy! After successfully sneaking out of church I drove praying the shelter house would be dry. It was not, but I was determined to decorate. Happily, the rain stopped for the few hours of the party (raining hard again right as we were leaving ) and the picnic tables were able to be toweled off. The humidity was out of control making paper soft and me feeling icky!

Enjoy some pictures from the day.

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The night before I made the scrapbook for mom while she and I were watching TV together. I thought hiding things in plain site was the best idea. She thought nothing of me scrapbooking for a few hours. The book was blank except for the title page, it was filled with  blank tags on each page for the guests to write her a birthday greeting, then a picture was taken of each guest to put next to their note. This is why most of the pictures are close-ups of people and I didn’t get good ones of the table decorations or any of the food set up, which is disappointing because the way the utensils were displayed was awesome!


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Amanda and Caleb…they picked up the cake and chicken after church…LoVe TheM!




this is mom explaining to people in line that she had no idea that the party had been planned.


Yes that is a dead fly on the bottom of the cake…they seem to be EVERYWHERE this year. There was so much icing on the cake I could just scoop it off and no one could’ve noticed.


This is Ida…she cut into the corner of the cake before mom got to see it…she was very interested in eating some cake, but she is so DARN cute who could be mad?

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This is a family from church except for the little one in the red sponge bob shirt he is my cousin Noah and Jaxson and he became fast friends and decided he was a part of the family. SO CUTE!


Mary from church she is just so precious, she ALWAYS looks perfect in her nice clothes, pins, necklaces ect… and she made sure they were perfect before the picture was taken…LOVE HER.


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cousin Melissa and uncle Danny


aunt Linda and cousin Rachael


cousins Noah and Chloe and aunt Salome


Ron and Vicki, the owners of the shelter house/cabin we used


mom’s group of friends she goes to dinner with once a month. They were a great help in making the day a success.


mom and my brother Christopher

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Everything in its place

My friend and her husband recently moved into their first home. Let us just say it was like stepping back in time.


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While taking a tour I fell in love with a lampshade. I could focus on nothing else and had to have it. Being amazing as she is she immediately took it off the wall and handed it over.


I had a really hard time finding a place for it. The base of the lamp is designed to hang on the wall. After a couple of weeks in my room I took the shade off. Standing in the living room surveying our ‘do dads’ I found a candle stick holder that is PERFECT. We placed it in the center of the mantle. I smile EVERYTIME I see it. I loVe LoVe LOvE could it be wrong to love a lampshade this much?


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Also here is a sneak peak of an event happening tomorrow.


We are having a PARTY!

Mom’s 50th birthday is this coming Wednesday. The past few weeks I have been planning a surprise party for her. Tomorrow is the BIG day. I am 90% sure she hasn’t figured it out. As long as she does not catch me sneaking out of church to get things set up I think we might be successful. Her friends are ‘taking her to lunch’ and the party is at one of her friends farms. I can’t wait to see the expression on her face.

It is supposed to rain…I am praying it doesn’t.

but DANG my decorations are cute aren’t they?

Off to the farm to finish some decorating.



Sunday, September 13, 2009

Always remember or never forget.

At work on September 11th I started journaling and felt like maybe a poem was in my feelings. SO, because I am so honest and secure in those that read my blog I will be venerable and allow you into my poem…

Is it never forget or always remember?

Called that day into service




we walk aware of the vulnerability freedom brings;

there will be no backing down

we will not negotiate

we will not fall divided

because united we stand

united in our differences, working together to protect

Is it never forget or always remember? I know not.

but, What I know….

I know I will live in honor of those…

who died,

In honor of those

who lost something, lost someone, lost that feeling of safety, lost their civil liberties,

and in honor of those

who continue to fight, here and abroad (amidst controversy) for that our country has learned to no longer take for granted.

I will live in honor of us all who were called into a life of service on that day.

I will remember always,

never forgetting,

to everyday embrace my gift of freedom,

and smile

because both my country and

my God loves me enough to



and WIN


Friday, September 11, 2009

Big Lots

This last week Big Lots had a sale on Serta mattresses.
Mom is turning 50 in a couple of weeks and her present?
taking it inside
mom’s old bed…a sad sight
Love, Love, Love…
the 60’s, orange paisley pattern.
new sheets…
that just happen to match…
Her relatively new bed set…
Simply Wonderful!
Mom has never had a new mattress, Wednesday night I caught her napping in her bed before church...she NEVER naps in her bedroom, she is always on the couch or in her chair. I think that makes the mattress a SUCCESS!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Winner…Winner…We have a WINNER!


The winner of the fabulous custom made matte IS…

Allison at The Second Time Around

congratulations! I will email you in the next couple of days to get your picture choice and start the creative process.


Cute Jacket

This weekend while out and about town we stopped at Famous Labels. Famous Labels is a store with a revolving hodgepodge inventory consisting of home decor, household items, and clothing.

I am super excited about this 70.00 jacket that I purchased for 10.00…here is the proof.P9051391


I also got a much needed hair cut that I LOVE!


I just love the asymmetry of it ALL!


I also decided to be a bit daring in my outfit choice for church. Striped pants with like a checked/paisley shirt, and a blue peal necklace.


I think I looked pretty darn cute that day!Slide1