Sunday, September 13, 2009

Always remember or never forget.

At work on September 11th I started journaling and felt like maybe a poem was in my feelings. SO, because I am so honest and secure in those that read my blog I will be venerable and allow you into my poem…

Is it never forget or always remember?

Called that day into service




we walk aware of the vulnerability freedom brings;

there will be no backing down

we will not negotiate

we will not fall divided

because united we stand

united in our differences, working together to protect

Is it never forget or always remember? I know not.

but, What I know….

I know I will live in honor of those…

who died,

In honor of those

who lost something, lost someone, lost that feeling of safety, lost their civil liberties,

and in honor of those

who continue to fight, here and abroad (amidst controversy) for that our country has learned to no longer take for granted.

I will live in honor of us all who were called into a life of service on that day.

I will remember always,

never forgetting,

to everyday embrace my gift of freedom,

and smile

because both my country and

my God loves me enough to



and WIN


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