Saturday, September 19, 2009

Everything in its place

My friend and her husband recently moved into their first home. Let us just say it was like stepping back in time.


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While taking a tour I fell in love with a lampshade. I could focus on nothing else and had to have it. Being amazing as she is she immediately took it off the wall and handed it over.


I had a really hard time finding a place for it. The base of the lamp is designed to hang on the wall. After a couple of weeks in my room I took the shade off. Standing in the living room surveying our ‘do dads’ I found a candle stick holder that is PERFECT. We placed it in the center of the mantle. I smile EVERYTIME I see it. I loVe LoVe LOvE could it be wrong to love a lampshade this much?


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Also here is a sneak peak of an event happening tomorrow.


We are having a PARTY!

Mom’s 50th birthday is this coming Wednesday. The past few weeks I have been planning a surprise party for her. Tomorrow is the BIG day. I am 90% sure she hasn’t figured it out. As long as she does not catch me sneaking out of church to get things set up I think we might be successful. Her friends are ‘taking her to lunch’ and the party is at one of her friends farms. I can’t wait to see the expression on her face.

It is supposed to rain…I am praying it doesn’t.

but DANG my decorations are cute aren’t they?

Off to the farm to finish some decorating.



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