Saturday, September 26, 2009


Sunday was mom's birthday party.

Wonder of wonders and miracle of miracles she had NO idea! Can you believe it? I made so many mistakes in the days before and was convinced she had figured it out.

Planning a surprise party turned out more work than I could have anticipated. By the time it started I was EXHAUSTED. Mom's friends were such a blessing taking over once it started and telling me to "go enjoy the party".

It rained like crazy! After successfully sneaking out of church I drove praying the shelter house would be dry. It was not, but I was determined to decorate. Happily, the rain stopped for the few hours of the party (raining hard again right as we were leaving ) and the picnic tables were able to be toweled off. The humidity was out of control making paper soft and me feeling icky!

Enjoy some pictures from the day.

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The night before I made the scrapbook for mom while she and I were watching TV together. I thought hiding things in plain site was the best idea. She thought nothing of me scrapbooking for a few hours. The book was blank except for the title page, it was filled with  blank tags on each page for the guests to write her a birthday greeting, then a picture was taken of each guest to put next to their note. This is why most of the pictures are close-ups of people and I didn’t get good ones of the table decorations or any of the food set up, which is disappointing because the way the utensils were displayed was awesome!


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Amanda and Caleb…they picked up the cake and chicken after church…LoVe TheM!




this is mom explaining to people in line that she had no idea that the party had been planned.


Yes that is a dead fly on the bottom of the cake…they seem to be EVERYWHERE this year. There was so much icing on the cake I could just scoop it off and no one could’ve noticed.


This is Ida…she cut into the corner of the cake before mom got to see it…she was very interested in eating some cake, but she is so DARN cute who could be mad?

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This is a family from church except for the little one in the red sponge bob shirt he is my cousin Noah and Jaxson and he became fast friends and decided he was a part of the family. SO CUTE!


Mary from church she is just so precious, she ALWAYS looks perfect in her nice clothes, pins, necklaces ect… and she made sure they were perfect before the picture was taken…LOVE HER.


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cousin Melissa and uncle Danny


aunt Linda and cousin Rachael


cousins Noah and Chloe and aunt Salome


Ron and Vicki, the owners of the shelter house/cabin we used


mom’s group of friends she goes to dinner with once a month. They were a great help in making the day a success.


mom and my brother Christopher

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