Monday, September 28, 2009

Here’s to trying something new…

A few days ago feeling bloated achy and I decided to make a concerted effort to eat healthier. This included going to the store before work and buying some fruit.


I am not a vegetable fan, so I picked up some V8 fusion juice and it really tastes pretty good. The ‘fusion’ taste test went well so I bought some original V8 juice. Two words…


It tasted SO bad, I almost couldn’t swallow.


The cute book in the front of the first picture is to document this adventure.

So far I am feeling better…

more energy

less achiness

and amazingly I am not craving soda like I thought I would…things that make you go hmmmmmmmm…

I have not been perfect…Hersey kisses, some Wendy's fries and a Tostitos pizza may have been consumed. Perfection is not the destination. I’m a bit of a rebel so I will indulge cause if I don’t I will eat a whole box of cookies.

Wish me luck, I want to document this so that I am accountable.

starting weight; between 294-299 depending on when I weigh

starting body feeling; run down, achy, sick a lot

Goals; a trimmer tummy, and increased confidence in the world (at home I am fine with who I am, outside of that door…I lose something about myself)


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