Saturday, July 24, 2010

Scared to Write

Hello beloved sisters, I have been waiting for the Lord to give me courage to write again. You see, about a week ago I was inspired to give encouragement to other sisters in my web group. I had shared with them the last post about our anniversary night. I was so excited about my victory. I had felt a burden on my heart  for a particular sister who had shared some sad things about her marriage bed. It was not any of my business but I did ache for her and also imagined that some of the quiet ladies on the group might also have problems. After the anniversary post I wanted to share my joy and felt inspired to write in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 7:5 an encouragement to help them.

Well, Satan interfered and it got taken out of context. They thought I was saying it is the fault of the woman if the man cheats or leaves and I never said that. But, still I think next time I have a burden for someone I will be more careful and ask them permission to speak to them privately. I also think if I write anything for the group again I will first have one of the older ladies proof read it to see if there is anything in there that looks questionable. So, now I have been in a state of grief that my writing, which was meant to bless, and backed up by scripture, caused deep scars to re-open for a couple of women.

I wan't to take this opportunity to tell all of you that you are not responsible for the sins of your spouse. God will judge us all with perfectness for our own personal actions. It does not matter weather you tried your best to please him in every way or not. I believe he will be punished for his own sin and I don't believe God is going to say to you it is your own fault he left or whatever. I regret that wasn't clarified from the beginning. In my mind they just needed simple encouragement in their marriage bed and I have had personal experiences in my marriage that have been victorious because I practice obedience to (1 Corinthians 7:4,5).

I would never judge anyone though, if there husband left them, especially if I don't know the situation. And again, of course we are all responsible for our own actions. I am responsible to tell my husband if I have lusted after another, God forbid, but I am. He can either get angry or he could try to help me. Now, If he decides to get angry or if I don't tell him, I am responsible for my own actions no matter what. But, hopefully I have a loving husband who will do whatever it takes, especially prayer, to help me resist temptation. And I do. I in turn have chosen to help him when he has had temptations. Sometimes spouses are not so godly.

I want to share my thoughts on my blog. My writings are always only what I know from personal experience. I have never made statements I don't know or judgments. That is not me. I try to pattern my life based on scripture and I know I need Jesus so badly because of my bad temper. I live on a prayer because I fall short in so many places. When I do have an obedience and a victory I would like to share it with my dear sisters in Christ. I am not intentionally bragging to make others feel bad. I am just trying to share my joy. Well, I'm sorry this was so long. I needed to get it off my chest here. If you feel inclined to pray, please, pray that I will be a better writer so as not to give any room for Satan to speak his condemning lies to anyone through my writings.

May the only wise God grant us His wisdom for every part of our lives.

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