Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Deals+Butterfinger Milk Shake=A Happy April=A giveaway

Today was busy but really good…I spend the morning early afternoon running errands…having lunch with mom…getting dog food…and some great deals at Staples and Walgreens…


Here is my favorite deal at Walgreens…5 packages of 10 sheet protectors for .29 cents each…these are normally around 2.00 so BIG SAVINGS!


I am using a lot of these protectors in my journaling and might have to sneak back there tomorrow to get a few more of these packets at this great price…


these highlighters are normally 4 dollars but were on sale for .49 cents…so I snagged four packs…I LOVE these highlighters because I like to use them to color in things…they don’t bleed like a sharpie might so there is just more versatility.P7230197 

also at Walgreens they had super fine sharpies that were normally 10.00 on sale for 3.99 and I jumped on that price because I’ve wanted me some fine tipped sharpies for a while and just couldn’t make my self pay the 10.00!


Which takes us to Staples where armed with coupons and a plan I was able to get 2 LARGE 3 roll packaging tape for an amazing deal…


I use the tape all the time to mail my wonderful parcels…


originally these tapes are 13.00 a piece…on sale they are only 6.00…now, I had two coupons for 3 dollars off which took the price for the two packages of tape from 12.00 to 6.00…so what would regularly cost 26.00 in the end cost me 6.00 and will last me A LONG LONG happy time of mailing…


I also got some 4x6 photo paper for .25 cents and packet of regular copy paper for 1.00…great deals the easy rebate program at staples really is that…an EASY way to get your REBATES…so in 4-6 weeks I will be getting a check for 14 dollars…


After mom got off work we all went to Evansville because Christopher was in DESPERATE need of new shoes and the Carnival was calling his name…


First we went to dinner at Steak-n-Shake and I declare it was good…the chicken tenders…good…the fries…good…the Butterfinger Milk Shake…SO SO SO GOOOOOOD…I would totally be a spokesperson for this milk shake…I’m just saying…

Then we went to the Christian Bookstore and I picked up the song I am going to sing Sunday…I’ll share more on that with you later…


Next stop was the mall


I have been wanting some new soap from bath and body works and we were lucky enough that they had select scents for 50% off, so for 5 dollars we got a couple of new soaps that I plan to thurougly enjoy…the other stuff we were using smelled too much like hospital soap…


Best deal of the day BY FAR was at Lane Bryant…I had a coupon for 15 dollars off 15 dollar purchase and…as fate would have it they had a couple of their t-shirt styles on sale for 15.00 so I snagged this 24.50 shirt for 15.00…


minus the 15.00 coupon equaled a ZERO balance for ME! wooty woo!

Party Time!


Next stop JoAnne’s Fabric


How nice it was to be near a JoAnne’s Fabric…we have nothing other than an overpriced scrapbooking store here in town, so walking into this amazing place called JoAnne’s (while Christopher was getting his shoes) was amazing!


The first thing that caught my eye was this adorable bird house…I am SO going to figure out how to get it hung and open for occupancy tomorrow…


First things first I don’t know anything about birdhouses or bird feeders…because I think this is a feeder, but after some research I’m thinking I got it wrong so…HELP me to know what to do with this so that I can get some birds a buzzing around…I know we are going to get a shepherd stick tomorrow to find a place for it to live…


I’m just so excited because this is one of the 101 things on my list and I could cross it of so quickly…you know if I didn’t screw it up by buying the first cute thing I saw (that was 70% off)


and secondly at JoAnne’s I was super excited to just get some new paper, I’ve need a new stack I was able to get 180 sheets for only 10.00…these will last me a LONG time and I like 3/4 of the sheets which is a huge plus…then of course who doesn’t need more sticky corners…and an official JoAnne’s tote bag for this “officially” self proclaimed tote bag junkie…


well I hope you got some enjoyment out of my deals and steals…re-reading it does make me sound a little boring but ya know if this is what makes me happy TODAY then I am going to embrace it!


giveaway time!


anyone who leaves a comment on this post giving me some birdfeeder/house advice will be entered to win this NEW set of head phones the kind that conform around each ear…I got them for free over a year ago at CVS and thought they would make the perfect giveaway…


Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM


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