Thursday, July 22, 2010

101 Things in 1001 Days (Part Uno)

So this week has found me needing some motivation and I have found that in an idea I’ve seen floating around blog world for a while…


which is to make a list of the 101 things to do in 1001 days 


(who knew it was so official…it has a pretty cool website)


So thinking of 101 things to do in 1001 days in one sitting is a bit daunting…I’ve come up with the first 24 and am taking suggestions for the last 76 or so…I’m sure I will think of more soon…


Just writing them down has motivated me more than I have been in MONTHS AND MONTHS…


I think this will be good…

1. Blog 3 times a week

2. Go to a GOOD Zoo

3. Write an article somewhere

4. Start a support group

5. Start my master’s

6. Sing more

7. Visit Wisconsin

8. Visit Texas

9. Read 10 books

10. Pay car off before due date

11. Journal every other day

12. Set up a birdfeeder

13. Begin scrapbooking again

14. Lose at least 50lbs

15. Celebrate Christmas with BOTH sides of the family

16. Go to the dentist

17. Cook once a week

18. Keep healthy nails…NO TEARING…NO fake nails

19. Look into seminary

20. Learn Spanish

21. Save Swagbucks for Christmas

22. Continue the food journal I’ve started

23. Get a pedicure once every 3 months

24. Be declared CANCER FREE

There will probably be about three installments of this list…so watch out…and of course feel free to keep me accountable…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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