Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bored BUT…Productive

This morning I’ve spend a solid three hours cleaning my room…it didn’t look that dirty, it was not cluttered, but I’ve realized it takes quite a bit of time to take every little thing and dust it individually…and don’t get me started on the dust behind the dresser…right now I am just waiting for my comforter to dry and I can declare the room DONE! It feels good…


The 31st we are going to have a jewelry party here to celebrate my success in treatment and just to have some fun…it is always fun to have people over but you gotta get the house ready so Saturday is going to be the big cleaning day…but I thought if I can do a little each day this week as well that is even better…


Since hearing the good news last week I’ve had some anxiety…and am getting a little obsessive about what I want done…and my jaw is tight a lot…yesterday I wanted my room clean but did not have the physical energy and it just bothered me all day so today I got up early to get it done…I hate my anxiety but it does let me know that I am feeling something I guess…


Thought I would introduce you do my little black panther…I got him at a flea market store for $3.00 and have had him for years…the first few days after getting him every time I would walk into my room I would jump out of my skin, but now he just lives with me in peace and harmony…I just think he is fun!


Yesterday I was exceptionally bored…awake at 7:30a.m. with no physical energy found me having a very LONG boring day…Finally I made myself DO SOMETHING and that was craft…I found some swaps that were ending soon and were not specific to who I was sending to and did some matchboxes and ATCs…


This was for a blue matchbox swap

  P7200235 P7200237

any theme matchbox swap…I chose flowers


button matchbox swap P7200223

this was for a ‘green’ ATC where you used trash, so I made this completely out of things from the recycle box…I think it came out cute I used a refund receipt…a Charmin coupon…and the plastic window part of an envelope


the extra part of this challenge was to mail it in things that are recycled…so I am going to mail them in some up-cycled envelopes people have sent me…I’ve not tried to make my own envelopes as of yet but I don’t think it would be too hard…


Flip flop themed matchbox P7200219  P7200217

The next two are seashore ATCs


I think they came out pretty good…I’m not a fan of the mess glitter makes but it sure did make these ATCs look good!


This is for the “P” ATC swap…


the sad thing is I could not decide what I wanted to do for the letter P so I googled…'words that start with the letter P’ how sad is that? Anyone have any suggestions for the letter ‘Q’? 


I really like how this turned out, love the colors and I actually sewed the ribbon on!


and finally this was a tag and the person wanted a blue matchbox…I hope they like it…

 P7190192 P7190190

thanks for sharing in my random thoughts and projects…gonna go see if my comforter is dry yet and MAYBE wash the dishes…what I would not give for a dishwasher!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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