Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Frustrated and Bored

Over a month ago I went into Walgreens to submit for a refund of all the prescription costs we have had since having gotten approved for Medicaid…I wasn’t that comfortable with their process…I mean all they did was write my name and phone number down and told me they would give it to their manager…I wanted some kind of official form or something…but, I trusted…


Fast forward a month…This morning I called Walgreens just to get a status as to where the claim is…I was told by the pharmacy tech that it can take from 6 to 12 weeks…I said I understand that but I just need to know that the claim has been received and being worked on…after five minutes of searching she is able to give me the phone number of the third party that handles these claims…Two minutes on the phone with this third party confirmed that they have NEVER gotten the claim from Walgreens…



This of course leads to a call RIGHT back to Walgreens letting them know this had not be done correctly to which I am informed that the pharmacy manager who takes care of this stuff will not be in until tomorrow…there was really no apologizes or concern that they have now delayed our getting what I think will be a little over six hundred dollars…


It is fine that they didn’t do it right…honestly, what really upsets me so much is that no one ever wants to take responsibility for their mess up..It is ME who is being unreasonable for being upset that this has not been done correctly…I can and have every right to be as upset as I want to be…and they have seen NOTHING yet…I asked the women at Walgreens to make sure their manager called me tomorrow morning as soon as he got there and she was just kind of like yeah whatever…to which I said “do you have my phone number”…her: ”yes, you have gotten prescriptions here before”, me: “be that as it may I would like you to confirm my phone number with me” to which she gave me a number that IS NOT MINE!


So there is my story…I’m just over crappy customer service that makes me look bad for wanting things to go AS THEY SHOULD!!!!!!!!! This is why I called to check up on them…you can not EVER just assume things are going the way they should…in my experience 75% of the time it is NOT…I just want a little pride in your work people…


So now it is waiting at least another month for what we have already been waiting a month for! And you had better believe that when I speak to the manager tomorrow, it had better end in me being able to call the third party and them telling me they got the claim…that will be the only resolution I will accept and if you know me you know I will go above whomever’s head I need to get things done…


And today I am BORED…I don’t feel well physically but mentally am pretty awake…I really want to clean my room really well, dust everything, sweep under stuff, get rid of some books but I just don’t see that happening…maybe tomorrow…Not sure I will be able to sleep but I think I will just go and lay down


Thus is the end of my complaining post…thanks for listening!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM


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