Saturday, July 24, 2010

1001 Things in 1001 Days (Part Dos)


25. Clean out the attic

26. Have a yard sale

27. Visit dad’s gravesite

28. Walk around the lake at Lincoln Park

29. Get 100 blog followers

30. Visit Indianapolis

31. Give at least four bags of school supplies away

32. Go on a random trip with mom for a couple of days

33. Get a new job-with benefits

34. Go paint a piece of pottery

35. Go to ladies day at Olivet

36. Go to homecoming at Olivet

37. Drink consistently 40oz of water a day

38. Become a chemo angel

39. Make it to Canada

40. Get new kitchen towel set

41. Get new look for the bathroom

42. Find 1 client to help organize to see if it is plausible job (side-job)

43. Get 500 dollars in savings

44. See an I-Max movie

45. Go to the eye doctor

46. Mail at least 2 encouraging cards a week

47. Take a photo a day

48. Go to karaoke

49. Fly a kite

50. Donate blood

51. Assist at a look good feel better seminar

52. Ride in a hot air balloon

53. Get a real camera

54. Get a real laptop

55. Use a reusable bags every time

56. Bake a fresh loaf of bread

57. Get a bike

58. Learn to drive a stick shift

59. Start a retirement account

60. Get hair styled and highlighted professionally

61. Improve spelling

62. Get a facial

63. Get a massage

64. Go to lane Bryant in Chicago

65. Get a custom fitted bra

66. Do a detox

67. Get a new coffee table

68. Create a working budget

69. Diligently collect change for alabaster

70. Dwindle and document movie collection

71. Do something tangible to improve my writing skills

72. Find the perfect pair of jeans

73. Start a checking account

so this may sound silly but as i was typing this second part of the list i realized that all of these things are going to take action on my part…just a little observation (ha ha)…k, gotta go practice my song for tomorrow morning…wish me luck!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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