Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Little Update About My Homemaking

I just wanted to write a little update to let you know where I am at in my homemaking. I have gotten rid of stuff I don't love or use. I put my long pretty scarves to good use in my home. I use them as runners for my dresser, sewing table, head board shelf, and on top of the TV dresser. I got rid of allot of books I had that didn't love too. My bookshelf looks nicer and ready for library books if I want.

I went to the library yesterday and got some books on crocheting, knitting, making rag dolls, sewing projects for children, and a soups and breads book. I can't wait to read the new things I'm going to learn to do with my girls. Now if we could only get extra money to buy the materials we're going to need in time before I have to return the books. It's a tough call right now because our 9 years anniversary is coming up on the 14th of July and I really want us to take professional pictures.

As far as chores go I have made up my mind that I am going to just think pleasant thoughts while I am doing them. I am still guilty of not making chores an every day thing for my girls. I desperately need improvement. I don't like how they are heading into the terrible destiny of facing the reality of all of a sudden if I don't clean my house It will bring all kinds of anxiety attacks. I want them to thrive when the day comes that they are a homemaker.

What is it that stops me from working elbow to elbow with them? I think it's just that I'm impatient. I am not the most gracious teacher. That's another thing I don't like about me. I'm selfish and lazy. Let me be very clear to you. I don't want to be this way with them anymore. I want to be more loving, more patient, more selfless. I guess I've been trying to mold them to make life easy for me. I will be an old lady some day. I will need their help. My husband might not be alive with me when I am old because he doesn't take good care of his health.

I want to see my daughters thrive and flourish as homemakers, wives, and mothers. I don't want them to taste the bitter tears I've tasted because of my inexperience of practically not knowing how to do anything. My friend said "the more effort you put in the better results are going to be". I have to admit I try to do everything the lazy way but also it's because I don't always get the best sleep. I would like to start exercising early mornings to get my energy up but my dh is an insomniac and wants to be near me which I really am thankful for but for now I guess I won't be able to exercise early mornings. Why did I write all this? Because I want to give the readers a little glimpse of my life.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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