Monday, July 5, 2010

Effectively Spoiled

My 29th Birthday was pretty great…kind of felt like a birthday week…
I got nice birthday packages in the mail Thursday and Friday,
beautiful and funny cards,
and a funfetti cake…YUM
Thursday when I got up from sleeping there was a gift in the door from one of the shops on fourth street…in it was a really beautiful lamp/tart burner from my aunt and uncle that live an hour awayP7020024
When you open the top you put in these balls that melt and smell really really good…I haven’t gotten something delivered in years so that was fun :)
Sunday I got up from sleeping and mom said there was a present in the kitchen for me from someone at church…in it was this really fun purse…it is the perfect size and the colors are great for summer…definitely adds some liveliness to my life! Thank you Dianna I love it
Robin made me this amazing banner with little birdys hanging out on it…I am going to find a place to hang the happy part all the time…
she did a stellar job, you should see it in person…
and the last birthday gift I’ll show you is…
this great card from my 4 year old niece…she signed the inside with her and her one year old brothers names and picked the hello kitty fake-nails out just for me, that girl and I must have some kind of connection cause she just KNEW my love of fake-nails :)
I have to say this was one of the more eventful birthdays I’ve had…and I’m feeling effectively spoiled…now whether or not that is a good thing has yet to be decided…
I joined a swap where you write down everything you eat for a month I desperately need to do this…I’ve learned a lot about myself in the four days since it started…maybe when this is over I will have the courage to tell you my findings…isn’t the candy tape I put on the front (of the not card holder) perfect irony for the swap? It is the cutest tape I’ve ever seen…I got a big roll of it in the mail this week from Blair and I can’t wait to find fun ways to use it!
I had lost 20lbs since getting sick and had started to notice a little bit of a difference in my clothes…but of course I have gained 10 back and up is not the way I wanted to go…I just need to get some motivation
Swap-Bot Box of Love
Saturday evening I woke up to find a box had come in the mail…it was the last installment of the amazing swap-bot love that Blair has been sending to me…this was the 3rd box, and if we average there were AT LEAST 25 people who contributed to each box that is 75 people to have sent to me through Blair to wish me well and encourage me…pretty amazing huh?
Here is just a couple of the things from the box…
Can you believe someone made me this quilt? She said that she had been looking for a reason to use the bird pattern and I LOVE it…the birds are flippin’ adorable and the colors are perfect…I might try to find a place to hang it…we shall see…
and here is a birdy embroidered on fabric and framed…the little bird has a personality don’t you think? I need to remember to fly…this week has found me reflecting a lot on what I want the future to look like…
but more on that another time…
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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