Monday, July 5, 2010

Journal Catch-Up

Journal Time


It is time to play catch up on updating the journal challenge I am participating in over at the run with scissors blog…so…here ya go…


Prompt 16 What did you wear today?


This was a day where I slept almost the whole day, I was really really tired…I”m kind of proud of the shirt and pants, they look remarkably close to the real thing which is a big accomplishment…


Prompt 17 Draw your day… I skipped this day because I can’t draw and I just didn’t feel like it…so…I”m a slacker!


Prompt 18 What are you listening to?


I went a bit old school with this and picked the stuff I was listening to when I got my first CD player…I remember that Christmas…I was a very happy girl!


Prompt 19 What is your city known for…


I tried to draw our HISTORIC 4th St…and of course I had to include what I think are the UGLIEST Christmas lights…

of those who live here in town am I the only one that thinks these are awful?


Prompt 20 What is in your Purse? I chose to take a picture for this entry…



Prompt 21 your favorite quote…


I found this quote a few years ago when I was really struggling with anxiety, it was something I memorized and repeated when I was really overwhelmed…I long to have good character, to be the same person alone as I am with others, to be genuine and honest…and it is good to remember what is going to build that in me…


Prompt 22 your favorite holiday


I picked Christmas because it is the one my family celebrates the most…we don’t have any traditions and don’t really CELEBRATE holidays…I mean they are acknowledged…a big dinner is eaten on Thanksgiving, and presents are exchanged for Christmas but for me the anticipation of holidays is the best part…I always seem to be a bit let down once they have happened…do you ever feel that way?

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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