Thursday, June 10, 2010

I’ve been working on…

This week I have been working hard on a journal swap…it is not due until July 31st but I had time this week and wanted to get it mailed out…


I thought I would share photos of SOME of it with YOU…There were like 50 prompts and that is just way to many pictures!


The front cover


Tell about your pet


Title page to a list of 50 things that make you happy


Make an ATC and put it in your journal


Page of random stickers


Vacation spots


Your favorite season


Your dream house


What do you collect and why


What did you want to be when you grew up…I asked mom what I wanted to be and she said she didn’t remember…I swear it is like she didn’t raise me, she doesn’t ever remember anything about when I was a kid…so since I remember going behind the couch and taping myself singing and making radio shows I thought maybe I wanted to be a singer…


Timeline of your day


What would you do if you won the lotto…I went a bought a ticket because I just NEEDED it to make the page better, of course I didn’t win but I did it for the sake of the art…under the ticket I say I would pay off my mom’s mortgage/renovate for her and buy myself a dream house


Decorate and add an envelope with a surprise in it


What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen


Envision the year 3024…I don’t have a great imagination like that so I thought wouldn’t it be fun if it was like peter pan & pirates so…


If you could go anywhere for free where would you go…I think the Galapagos Islands would be great, they have a huge variation of animals, large turtles, penguins, sea lions, and cute white birds with these HUGE bright aqua colored feet.


I’ve never written a haiku so this was my best effort…It’s not gonna be published or anything :)


Inside back cover…I LOVE how this came out…simple and pretty


Back cover


Thanks for looking! I think I’m crafted out for a little while…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM


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