Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Fan is a Quitter…

I’m thankful:

#1. For one hour photo

#2. Fresh Sheets

#3. Art in my life

#4. Our DVR

#5. Honesty


I’m so sad…the awesome blue fan I bought myself for my birthday a few years ago has decided to quit it’s job…it sounds SO sick when you try to turn it on…I got it from Wal-Mart for only 25.00 and it has served me well…just the right amount of sound to send me off to sleep at night and just powerful enough to cool you off in the middle of the summer…This afternoon, I spent more time than I am comfortable acknowledging trying to find this fan again…and I can’t…S6300087 

For Now…


this ugly plain white fan is taking Blue’s place…the sound isn’t right and it is just plain ugly…the color stands out too much in my beautiful blue and tan room

roomcallage2 and the X shaped base takes up too much room…Hope I am able to find a suitable replacement soon…when I bought the blue fan they also had a tan color which would work perfect in my room too, so maybe I can find one of those…


Just wanted to share my grief…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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