Friday, June 11, 2010

Chip Bag Shrinkage…and a giveaway!

I remember when I was in middle or high school and in my Seventeen or YM magazine (remember YM?) there was an article about how to shrink a potato chip bag…to use for jewelry or something…today I finished off a bag of my favorite chips and thought HEY! I’m gonna try and shrink this…so I did!


I looked up directions on-line and they showed if you use a snack size chip bag when it is shrunk you can punch a hole in the corner and make it a keychain…I’m going to try that next…but for now all I have is a larger bag


#1. Wash the inside of the bag and let dry

or dry it yourself with a dishtowel…


#2. Pre-Heat the oven to around 350…

#3. Put some crinkled up foil on a cookie sheet…


#4. Spray some cooking spray on the foil…


#5. Put the bag on the foil and stick it in the oven…

P6100005 #6. Watch the bag…

give it between 3-7 min to shrink up…

I would check it every couple of min

to get the timing right…

once it is hot enough it

shrinks fast and is fun to watch…


#7. Viola…you have made a shrinky-dinky baggy…


#8. Let your dog check it out…

I forgot to wash the bag before I shrank it

so she found it very interesting…


Since shrinking the normal sized bag was a success I am going to next try turning a snack sized bag into a keychain…Lucky for you cause I’m gonna

give one away a keychain that is…

(that is how sure I am I will be successful, and it will be fabulous)


Just comment on this post to be entered in a drawing to win a potato chip bag keychain…Winner to be picked on June 16th…


Let me know if you try this out…I want to know how it worked for you…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM


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