Friday, June 11, 2010

These Days

 Well, these days I'm nearly perfectly happy with the way my house runs. Life seems simple these days and I really like simplicity. I have my Bible CD repeating itself over and over again all day and all night.

I have cleared counters in my kitchen so the whole thing is run smoothly. Now if I only I had the ability to cook tantalizing to the taste buds meals.

My daughters are happy allot and hardly fight. When they do I spank them. They don't groan as much when I ask them to help me with something.I am more rested.

As long as I take my thoughts captive and be thankful and think about the things that are praiseworthy in the people around me I'll be fine.

I also am still responsive nursing my 2 & 1/2 year old (like the Jewish women of old) and I think the "happy hormones" help me too.

One thing I am really looking forward to is hanging up my hamick in the living room next to the kitchen. This gives me nostalgia remembering my grandmother in Venezuela how she would work in her kitchen and then rest in her hamick with me next to her sometimes when I was little. :)

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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