Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Love Prepairing Meals

A Woman of God should make this her confession. Instead of confessing that you hate cooking, confess that you love it! Enjoy your nourishing ministry. Not only your family, but also the survival of generations depends on this ministry. The health of your children will affect the next generation. The way you feed your children, will be the way they feed their children. Your habits will pass on to the next generation.

Create in your children the joy of cooking too. I love to eat the food my daughters cook. They have all grown up to be wonderful cooks, and they love creating their own recipes.

There is a special atmosphere about preparing a meal. The aroma of the meal (the herbs and the spices) fills the home. Family members are drawn to the delightful smells and want to have a hand in stirring and tasting. It is a time to talk, fellowship and enjoy one another. The atmosphere in preparing each evening meal is important too. It is as special as eating the meal itself.

Taken from "The Power of Motherhood" By Nancy Campbell

I remember my abuelita Emilia. She practically lived in her kitchen. She had a hamick hanging in the next room where she would rest. =) 

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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