Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Importance of Joy

"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17)."

The most important thing a mother will do for her children is to create an atmosphere of peace and joy by deeply loving their Daddy and being satisfied with life. Maybe your not a perfect Christian mommy but you want happy kids your mothering must be properly seasoned with joy.

"Neither be ye sorry for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)".

Children thrive on joy. They will do anything for someone who enjoys them. If you need to repair your fellowship with your child let them see you joyfully loving on their Daddy. Look into your child's eyes and smile into their soul. Delight in their presence.

Do not withhold your joy on the condition that your child earn your smile. Who deserves the Savior's love? Smile your children into obedience, and you will find that the rod is seldom necessary. Be the "master of joy". You won't have to drive them if you give them something worth following. Don't just smile at your kids smile into them smile through them. Let joy flow and your family will be swept along in the current. =)

 No Greater Joy Ministry

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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