Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Victory is not Within Me…

I’ve been at a loss of how to express what I am feeling, and today I checked out the blog “Dancing Barefoot on weathered ground” and found her post to really speak for my heart…and I wanted to share it with you... the below post is word for word her post from today…you can just click on the banner to be taken to her website, if you want to go and check it out, she is a pretty inspiring lady.
Life Just Isn't Fair... is it?
When we were out hitting garage sales last week, we saw this sign and I just had to get out and take a picture. Doesn't life just feel like that sometimes? You think you're going one direction and end up somewhere different than you expected to be. Which way are we going anyway?
Have you noticed... we don't always get what we want? We don't always get what we deserve and we don't always get what we work towards?
That my friends is ... life.
I know a lot of people who have never had to eat healthy and somehow they stay healthy. I've also known people who have worked very hard to stay healthy and aren't healthy at all.
I've known people who didn't want children and ended up with many. I've also known people who wanted many children and ended up with none.
I've known people who have an abundance but are stingy and greedy. I've also known people who are generous and giving but don't have much to give.
I've known people who are unkind and self centered yet are respected and revered. I've also known people who are selfless and kind who are barely noticed.
I've known people who eat too much and are skinny as a rail. I've also known people who are, well, not skinny as a rail, who don't eat very much at all.
I've known people who are able to make a difference in other's lives but only want to see themselves succeed. I've also known people who would give their right arm to help others succeed and never seem to be in a position to make a difference.
I have a friend who sums people up like this. She says, "You're either used by others or you're using others." That's a bold truth - but a truth nonetheless. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be used than be using others for my benefit. Which is the reason she makes the statement at all - to remind herself of that truth.
This life we live isn't fair. I'll bet we've all said, "If I had a million dollars I would change the world." Some of us would. Some of us wouldn't. The truth is, if we had a million dollars, it'd probably change us.
What makes man ungrateful, selfish, unkind, greedy, lazy and rude? It's simple. The nature of man.
What makes man grateful, selfless, kind, giving, diligent and compassionate? It's simple. The nature of God, namely the Holy Spirit.
It's true - sometimes people who are striving for the right thing don't get very far in this life, but it shouldn't matter, because we know our victory is in Jesus Christ.
So, if you're a Christian and you're feeling a little down and out and you think you deserve better... well, you probably do - but just think of what you're going to get that you don't deserve - eternity in heaven with Jesus. Kind of makes it all worth it huh?
I Peter 4:19 "Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator."
God has his reasons for allowing us to live (and sometimes suffer) in an unfair world and I think we're all better for it.
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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