Thursday, May 27, 2010


Exodus 14:13-14 (New International Version)

13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Take your station and see the Lord’s deliverance that he will do for you today, for as you see the Egyptians today, you shall not see them again for all time. 14 The LORD shall do battle for you, and you shall keep still."

Do not be afraid


Take your station


The Lord shall do battle for you


You shall keep still


 My cousin gave me a book called “Hope is Contagious” by: Dr. Kenneth Hutchinson…He is a former NFL player…current pastor, and has been battling an aggressive form of cancer for years…

Below is an excerpt from his book that references the story of Joseph and, I think ties well into the above verse of Moses talking to the Israelites…

is God sovereign in your life? from time to time

Are you holding onto your fear(s)? yep

Are you keeping still…letting God battle for you? I’m trying


That’s really the difference between hope and hopelessness. Everything in our lives hinges on believing in God’s sovereignty. God is God. You either accept it or reject it; there’s no in between. You don’t accept his sovereignty when things are going great and then reject it when bad things happen. If you reject it, you’re on your own. Are you really willing to trust when tragedy strikes?

If you accept God’s sovereignty, you know that nothing bad can happen to you. You might be thrown into a cistern. You might be sold into slavery. You might be stuck in prison, forgotten by all. But it’s all good. Your life doesn’t fall apart. You might actually be able to sing and dance and enjoy yourself. Because no matter what, it’s all good; it is part of God’s unique plan for you.”

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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