Monday, May 3, 2010

Overwhelmed With Laundry?

Are you overwhelmed with laundry. I am. I am going to try something I found in Carla Emery's book "The Encyclopedia of Country Living." Lately, I have been pondering in my mind the question: How did the Hebrew women deal with washday?

I know everything was washed by hand. We have washing machines. I am sure they didn't change clothes like we do. I am convinced they never allowed there children to change clothes twice a day. Any thoughts on this?

Anyway, in the book I read how when Carla was young, her mother had daytime clothes folded up the night before and ready to wear again the next day. This to me sounds dirty and stinky and I don't think I could do it; though skirts are okay to repeat but I think underarm areas would need to be washed by hand and hung up to be ready again the next morning but that is just my opinion and maybe that is what she meant. Who knows?

She wanted night clothes folded and kept under pillows for wearing again the next night- until wash day. Honestly, I can see how we are all very spoiled and it is to our own peril because it creates more unnecessary work. Aprons covered dresses and were whisked away when company came knocking on the door. There were Sabbath clothes that were not allowed to get dirty, and everyday clothes, which were not expected to be clean.

She gives advice for washing diapers by hand to do it every morning after breakfast so that it's out of the way. Folks, I think I want to try this lifestyle. I have a family of 5 who all of us just love to throw our clothes on the floor when we are done with it. It is a horrible thing to have to deal with four other people just like myself. Lol.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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