Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Once Per Week

Lately, I think the Lord has been weaning me to blog less often. This is going to be hard for me because I have developed a love for blogging. Still, I do believe God wants to develop in me more of a love for my housekeeping, mothering, and being a great wife. I am a young mother of 3 with a super hard working husband. I need to form routines that bless my family and not just myself.

I am sure all of you are less of a wretch than me seeing as how your blogs all represent a love for Titus 2. I admire that. I just need to be practicing it more myself what I am encouraging. Titus 2 tells us that aged women and young women have different rolls even though they are related. At my age I need to be doing more than telling or, my wisdom will always just be stuff I borrowed from someone else that I just wet my feet with. Well, I must go. Farewell.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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