Monday, May 3, 2010

Generosity Abounds and a Giveaway…

Today was an amazing mail day! I received two packages.



P5030345Thoughtful, with all kinds of birdy goodies and even Dr. Pepper lip balm (this person did their research)…also a great encouraging note…


Second…a HUGE box of cards, and thoughtful gifts from my friends on Swap-Bot…you should seriously check the site out…it has been a blast swapping crafts, letters, and life with others…I’ve cut way back on my swapping for this time in my life…but Swap-Bot has not cut back on me…


Blair one of my new friends organized this love fest…she had all these people mail good wishes to me…There are over 20 people represented in these two photos…and she said that she has another box…I got books (good to read during chemo I’m sure), beautiful handmade gifts, stationary, crafting supplies, reusable bags, notepads, and encouraging notes, ect…The support of these amazing thoughtful women is BEYOND my comprehension…I am convinced that the love, prayers, and well wishes of my friends (new and old) and family (biological and church) is the reason, I am able to stand without falling…


As if this isn’t enough…Blair (yes the same one from above) and another new friend Robin have offered to do something pretty darn amazing…


Blair is making a Swap-Bot cookbook, she will be gathering recipes from swap members and making a cookbook out of them, she will bind them herself and then sell them…As of yesterday the recipes are being submitted and the process is started…




Robin is making ribbons…LIME green ribbons in support of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma, with little birdy charms on them…I think, they will be ready in the next couple of weeks, and I can’t wait to see them…and she will be selling them…


Blair and Robin share an etsy store and they have told me that the proceeds of the cookbook and ribbons are going to me to help as I adjust to changes in my life due to this cancer thing…


They wanted to help in some tangible way and made their own way of doing that…I am sure these women have full lives and for them to take on these projects to help me out is pretty mindboggling…and inspiring


Just wanted to share how an idea can, mixed with love and selflessness, explode into a box of greatness…what can you do, RIGHT NOW, for someone (not me) in your life that might desperately need a pick-me-up…Go, get a card and simply let someone know you are thinking of them…I guarantee it will be appreciated and may even be exactly what that person needs…think outside the box…


You know what? I’ve just decided…I am going to have a giveaway…I will randomly choose from everyone who sends at least a card to someone by May 8th, leaving me a comment telling me they did so…and send them something…I don’t know what yet (cause I just decided to do this) but it will probably be cool…So go ahead…wow me with the amount of comments I get….

Until Later! I’m off to find the profiles of all these wonderful girls that blessed me today so that I can thank them…



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