Friday, June 19, 2009


Things I've learned the 6 months I've been blogging.
* it is a great way to discover things about yourself
* it is fun, and a good way to document life's little things
* while I find it exciting to have 12 followers and write as if I have things to share, I can't do it for that reason
* what you write is not always what others read. I have had a couple (one, a few months ago, very hurtful) misinterpretations of things written.
Late last I checked my blog reading list and a friend had written a blog post about being

"Beware of Bargain Hunter's High "
Her post happened to be written the same day I wrote
this post about my great adventures in couponing the last couple of weeks.
My base reaction
was to make it all about me. She wrote this post just for me, she thinks I'm irresponsible and impulsive, and she wants to tell me I'm over the top without really saying it.
I pulled up my post and looked at it. Everything I bought we will use, it will last us a long time. A few weeks ago I came home with three 12 roll packs of toilet paper and an 8 pack of paper towels. It cost 22 and I got 10ecb back (so $12 for 36 rolls of toilet paper and 8 rolls of paper towels), since then we haven't had to spend anything for toilet paper and today we still have a 12 rolls left!
The Extra Care Bucks I get I use to print photos for scrapbooking, get chocolate when the craving comes, get a magazine that looks interesting, or buy a funny card for a friend and some stamps to send that card. These are wants I get to have because I find "the deals", without them ("the deals") I wouldn't have the "little pleasures".
Plans for anything I got free that we won't use is to donate them to a local food pantry. My whole idea is that I might not have the money to donate and make a significant difference, but I can do what I can, tangibly, to give from our meager overflow.
I stopped and called out my paranoia (Satan) and thought about who I know my friend to be: a loving christian woman, who would not write a post simply to admonish me, she may not have even read my post from yesterday morning, and if she did she may have already had the idea for the beware post before yesterday. Whatever the case, I learned from that 45 min of self examination, and that is what matters.

there is my metamorphosis from drama to reality.
The success? That I went through the steps of the process very quickly. Its all about recovery and purpose. Walk/live like you know where your going even if you don't (wink, wink)

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