Friday, June 19, 2009


This week at work I have watched the first season of HEROS.
Surprisingly I really, really like it.
The Japanese man Hiro, is HILARIOUS! he does a great job as an actor
The large cast makes it engaging without becoming weary.
Watching HEROS has lead me a very important life question.

If I were a hero what power would I posses?
I had 2 thoughts
#1. I'd like to be invisible. It would be interesting to be privy to he happens behind closed doors. That thought lasted about two seconds, until I remembered that there is definite bliss associated with ignorance.
#2. Final answer, I would want to fly. Freedom would be mine. Lunch in India, vacation on the Easter islands, winter with the citizens of Bhutan in the Himalayan mountains.
Yeah that sounds nice!
If you were a tree...I mean if you could choose a super power what would be your choice?

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