Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my birthday/your giveaway

In a week I will be 28
yep 28...
I love my birthday!
It is July 1st as close to exactly in
the middle of the year as you can get.
In honor of my BIG day I'm having a giveway.
You can win something like this...

is what's up for grabs.
(these were from my last two contests)
A coustom matte made by me for any picture you choose.
Just leave a comment with a good birthday memory.
A winner will be choosen
(by the random website)
Thursday July 2nd.
Good Luck!
One of my good birthday memories is when I turned 25. I came home for a visit and a friend took me out for the day.

When we got home there were signs in the yard telling me Happy Birthday,

and when I got into the house my whole family and
a fewfriends were there to celebrate with me.

(Shhh, don't tell but I knew they were planning it,
it was fun to see how excited my friend was thinking
she was hiding it from me that afternoon (he, he) )

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