Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday activities

Today Amanda and I had a 'date'
we went to lunch at McDonalds
I surprised her with a mini photo shoot
at the
Picture Me Portrait Studio
in Wal-Mart.
I told her on Sunday that I had a surprise but I won't tell her what we were going to do, I just said look nice like your going on a date with your husband. She was very excited when I told her at lunch what we were doing, I am so glad to have a friend I can be a dork with :)
I had a coupon for
1 8x10
2 5x7's
8 wallet and
16 mini
photos for 4.99 + 5.00 for an extra person
it was fun, we were silly, the picture we ended up picking was one where we are making a funny face but it looks really good. It won't be here for 2 weeks so we will wait in anticipation.
Seriously what better entertainment for 10.69 can you do? and we get pictures.
Before I moved back home 6 months ago myself, my roommate, and two co-workers got professional pictures from olan mills taken, it was a special with a lot of pictures (even an 11x13 that I LOVE) for 12.00 and I will never regret getting them done. Here is how that one turned out (the pose of us looking up was my idea, the lady that was shooting had us lay down with our heads in the middle and I was thinking...HELLO do you not see that we are all large chested, we did it and it did NOT work)

Here are some pictures I took while we were waiting for our 'consultation' to pick the picture.
They aren't great or very flattering but definitely capture the mood of the moment, fun & silly

After our 'date' I went to our local recycling center.
The picture above is from google images but it resembles what ours looks like, you can go and see if any magazines someone left you would like to read and also there are like four bins for newspaper.
On some of the blogs I read that at cvs the 28 count always infinity pads are ringing up 4.99 even though it says 10.49 and that there had been a 4.00 off coupon in the Sunday paper a few weeks ago. After 10-15 min of looking around I found one of the P&G inserts from that paper with the golden ticket. I felt weird but hey I saved like 9 dollars so I'm not too proud. I also found some other good coupons. The place is clean (not sparkling) I think I will go back, I could believe how many current Sunday papers that were there already.
I also made phone calls I'd been putting off and cleaned the house, it feels GOOOOOOOOOOD.
Productive day I think.

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