Saturday, June 27, 2009


I just had an incredibly successful trip to CVS...
at least I think so.
I went with a plan.
Armed with 16.25 dollars in coupons
and 17 dollars in extra care bucks from a previous trip.
The plan was to
buy a 20.00 clean and clear acne treatment ($5 coupon)
two boxes of cherrios (2 coupons equaling $2)
two packages of oreos
a gallon of milk (.75coupon)
two sticks of deodorant (1 coupon for 2.50)
two coppertone sunscreen things (2 coupons equaling $6)
-10 off 50 coupon
-16.25 coupons
- 17 in extra care bucks
= 13.76 oop
got 21 extra care bucks back
The next transaction was for the alli weight loss starter pack
The cost is 59.99
- 10 off 50
- 10 manufacturer
- 21 extra care bucks from before
= about 20
so mom was able to get this starter system for a great price!
it is all very exciting.
so to put it into perspective
everything in the picture above
cost out of pocket
only 1/2 of what the alli system would've cost.
That I think is a SUCCESS.
everything ended up costing 70% off.
can I get a WOOT! WOOT!
Now onto a second success of the weekend. The past couple of weeks living in the land of coupons I have been slowing building up stock of toiletries and food that can be donated to our local food pantry. Last night I sat down with my big red basket and took out the things to be donated. I came up with a pretty good amount I think for my first attempt at this. By the time this week is over there will be a few more things added to this picture but you get the idea. I hope that this picture can encourage you to do the little you can from what you've been given.
What do you do with the overflow from your bargain deals? Any ideas are great, anything to get our brains thinking in new and innovative ways to make a difference, to be Jesus...even when we don't have the extra time and God KNOWS we don't have the extra money.
Here's hoping you have a great rest of the weekend. I believe the rest of mine is going to be good.

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