Thursday, June 18, 2009


These friends came over for lunch
They are Jared (the one with the hat)
he has been one of my closest friends since I was 13
Mindy, Jared's twin brother's wife
Josh Jared's twin didn't come
he had driven 15 hours the day before
and slept in (can't blame that)
Kyle who is married to Jared's sister
Jayme, Jared's sister and my good friend. She graduated high school when I was in 8th grade so haven't gotten to spend a lot of physical time with her but we have been writing to each other for YEARS and have gotten close through many miles.
I hope to visit her and Kyle in Portugal one day. Until then I will mail, e-mail, and support from this side of the ocean.
Breakfast was good. I made scrambled eggs and waffles, set out some fruit, and little donuts.
There is nothing like enjoying the company of friends you love but don't get to see often.

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