Thursday, May 28, 2009

Things are happening!

The past few days the kitchen doors and drawers
have been the vain of my existence
they needed sanded, my wonderful mom did that

I painted, painted and then painted some more
three coats worth. it was hot and humid outside
so they dried really quick

I spray painted the handles, hinges and light covers this
hammered muted silver color, they turned out really nice
Last week...
I bought four yards of this vintage fabric off ebay.
I thought yeah...those kinda look tail shaped
but I really like the graphic qualities
and the colors are
PERFECT for the kitchen.

I got this in the mail. MARLIN on the fabric...
funny right? I hope you are laughing
do not despair dear friends, I have made
lemonade out of my marlin

This is my friend Amanda, she came over to help us paint in the morning and then she and I tackled the fabric project. I particularly like this picture because we are clearly watching HGTV while doing our own DIY project.
After the cardboard was cut...

we used copious amounts of mod podge and spray adhesive.
disclaimer...If you have never used spray adhesive I would like to be the one to let you know that it is flippin' sticky. Now I know this should be a given it is a spray ADHESIVE. But seriously our hands were sticking to EVERYTHING it was ridiculous. The stuff REALLY works!
OH, you want to see what the heck we are making?
Sorry that is for another time.
I promise it will be worth the wait!
After all the excitement of the day....

Little Bit decided to take a nap.
She had paint on both her ears and a streak on the side of her body. She was busy chasing a fly around the kitchen while we were painting.

Amanda left she gave me this incredible screen print she did in one of the college art classes. It looks amazing! She made 8 of them and mine is signed 3 of 8. One day she may be famous and I can say look...I have all this stuff she made just for me.

This was just a more artistic shot of the piece
My room...

has an African vibe...she made the giraffe mosaic for me for Christmas three of four years ago and it is one of my favorite things I own. She was able to make that scene out of mosaic tiles it has the sun, trees, sky and the giraffe. This picture doesn't quite bring out all the beauty but it gives you a good idea. I can't wait to frame my new piece of art and give it a place in my room. Maybe one day I will post some of the other great things Amanda has made me. Like the beautifully crafted bowl I got for Christmas...
Wait for it!
Tomorrow we are getting up butt early to go to like 75 yard sales.

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