Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I feel I need to clarify a post
I made a couple of weeks ago.
In the following excerpt when I use the word THEY,
I meant THEY in the sense of trying
to be gender non-specific.
Not THEY in the sense of
being more than one person.
I can see how it could be read differently.
In the interest of any following
posts not being confusing.
I will just say that J is a boy
(boy in the sense of boy and girl,
I may be 27 almost 28 but I have a hard time
seeing people my age as men)
There really is no reason to be cryptic.
I could have referred to him as a girl named
Kathleen and people would have known
I was talking about him.
The latest is last week. I worked last Sunday and J was in town for Mother's Day. I did not go to church because I had to work that night and was really tired. J and I talked that morning and J was going to come and say hi/bye/I love you/hug, before leaving town. I woke up at 5:00 p.m. with a message from J saying they had been on the road for a 1/2 hour and just remembered they 'forgot' to come and see me.
Unfortunately, they do not, at this point in time, have the LUXURY of 'forgetting'.

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