Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Garage Sale Finds and Painting Progress

I'm tired, we painted all day yesterday and preped the kitchen today.
I am excited to share the pictures of that progress but first...
(disclaimer there are a lot of pictures in this post)
The great yard sale finds from last week

a fantastical modern headboard
it was 10 dollars
I've been wanting a headboard for a long time and
I am glad I waited until I found the 'right' deal

a computer chair for $5.00

we have been needing one of these for a while
a dining room chair just doesn't do it
my brother sleeps downstairs and the rolling is
much quieter

something about this $5.00 table appealed to me

I am going to lightly sand the top and stain it
we'll see what it evolves into

finally...this is a $7.00 shelving unit
I thought it would be good in the redone kitchen since
there isn't a whole lot of room and this is tall and thin
Now to the transformations that are occuring here;

This is my mama. We went to the depo to get all of that paint
you see on the counter

This is a break after the first coat was finished
in the living room. Taping wasn't hard but took a while
so I am glad that I did it the night before

Here I am with paint in my hair
and on the top of my mouth
the mustache is from the hammered
silver spray paint we used in the kitchen.
Doesn't Little Bit look SO tired behind me.
All the activity of the day wore her out.
She did not come out the job unscathed
She had paint on her ear and chin

Here is a shot of the 'final product'
the tape is gone and do dad's replaced
looks pretty good I think, much better than the dingy
white that was here before

behind the stove before and...

This is the pantry door.
Mom painted it with chalboard paint
so we can put the grocery list up there
I've never used chalboard paint before so I we will
see if it really works.
While we were at Home Depot we saw
that they also have white dry earase paint
never seen that before, it looked interesting
Here is the work from today.
I took all the doors off the cabniets
then took all the handles and hinges off
then the drawers
then cleaned all the doors and drawers
then a bit of clean up cause it was getting overwhelming
tomorrow my goal is to sand and paint the doors and drawers
then thursday we paint the walls and FINISH the kitchen

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