Saturday, April 11, 2009

For Freedom

For Freedom

O to be delighted by you
And to see the colors of your train
And to be freed by you
That would be that would be
That would be my claim to fame
So rejoice my friend because my friend
You've got a friend and friend indeed
It is for freedom he set us free

But simon says to fill your void
With toy after toy after girl after boy
After all isn't that what we were meant for
Please believe me when I say
It is for freedom he set us free

O poor us we sigh
Pour us out I cry
So we can be free

The bigger picture is there is a holy calling
O how I'm slowly falling
Falling falling in love
And your water has been pouring out on me
How could I be so naive I
t is for freedom it is for freedom
It is for freedom he set us free
-Jimmy Needham

1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
-Galatians 5:1

This song has been running through my mind for the past few days. Jimmy Needham is newer to the christian music scene and I instantly became a fan.

This song reminds me of the reasons why Christ died for us. Freedom, he wants no less for us. Slavery to this world was never our heritage. Jesus bought our freedom. Jesus took our burden. I pray that I leave mine at his cross tomorrow, that I let him take it all from me. If I don't leave it at his feet am I then rejecting the gift of freedom he died for? Just some questions to ponder and Easter Sunday draws ever nearer.

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