Saturday, April 11, 2009

Clean Garage

This afternoon mom and I cleaned out the garage. It needed it. When I moved in we cleaned out the attic and a lot of the stuff ended up the garage and needed to be thrown away. The day was perfect for outside work. Thinking about it now, I didn't feel hot or uncomfortable one time. I declare that the weather today should be EVERYDAY.
We opened ALL the windows, the house feels so much bigger or something when all the windows are open. The sun shines in, the air circulates, new life is blown in.
Now for the good stuff! Pictures of the transformation.
While the changes appear kind of subtle in pictures it really was quite dramatic.
The thing I learned today was that I garage is always going to FEEL like a garage no matter how clean you make it. :)
Before (that is my brothers 1976 Nova, it is sparkly gold)
All the trash in the yard

That is the keep pile (take notice how much larger the junk was)
My mom, moving the washer, we are giving it doesn't work though we are gonna need to find the right person :)
After (our new recyclying section, it was sorely needed, we are reducing reusing and recycling our booties off and this is going to make it SO much easier to get it to the center)
After (look how clean the floor is...Wonderful!)
After (the black thing is to put wood in for next winter)
The end result trash pile (I'm playing around with a photo editing thing called GIMP that I found recommended on another blog I read. This is an effect called coffee stain...I like it.

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