Friday, March 6, 2009

Things to Do

Learn Spanish

Never stop sending handwritten letters

Improve in singing

Be a foster parent or adopt

Travel: India (see the Taj Mahal), Russia, Canada (I just want to see a Mounty), Africa (see Victoria falls, go on safari, and see the pyramids), Europe..I could go on and on

Pet a penguin

Be a spy or at least have a spy themed tie

Get my masters

Take mom on a cruise

Fly a kite

Write a book

Marry a chiropractor

Lose weight

Have a successful/organization design firm

Be a wife and a mother (I'd really like to be a homemaker..I think I'd be great at it) and maybe have a business outside of the home

See the needs of others and offer my assistance without being asked

Continually be vulnerable knowing any relationships that are worth anything require it

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