Tuesday, March 3, 2009

a thing that makes me go hmmmmmmmmm

Does anyone else ever wonder about the car companies and how they don't stand behind the cars they make. Why it is when you buy a car that is over its warranty it is yours to deal with. Almost every problem I've had with a used car is one that happens to a majority of cars of the same make and model. Recently because of flooding in my area I was forced to by a new car. I got a 2003 Oldsmobile alero within the first two months I had to put 1000 dollars worth of repairs. When I looked on line all of the repairs are ones that a lot of other alero owners have had to make. One of which cost 800 dollars itself. Plus, a lot of headache and trouble having to pay for tows and taking time off from work ect... If there is a history of the problem the car companies should be men and say we messed and will fix it. I found it flabbergasting how many times I heard from people "well these newer cars and their electrical systems are a pain" if so fix it! I shouldn't have to pay $65 dollars every time there’s a problem or a light comes on because it has to be hooked up to a fancy pants computer. Ok done whining... I just wondered if anyone else had ever wondered the same thing.

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