Sunday, March 22, 2009

Huck's gas station

Friday, I went to Hucks to get gas and a car wash. Who knew it would turn into such ‘the ordeal’?

To preface, I am not proud of the following events. In the interest of honesty, transparency, and accountability, I feel the need to share.

I got gas.
I walked into Hucks to pay, having already decided to get a car wash because of all the bird poop.
Most gas stations have an incentive; buy a car wash and get 10 cents off a gallon.
So I pay.
I look at my receipt and it did not reflect the discount. I ask the man behind the counter. Let's call him Bad Attitude Mac. BAM

Me: don't you get 10 cents off a gallon when you buy a car wash?
BAM: You have to ask for it.
Me: why do I have to ask for it?
BAM: We don't just give free money away to anyone.
Me: (looking down at my receipt, and placing it on the counter) Well then, I'm asking for it.
BAM: *sighs* (gets huffy and says) Well, I'm going to have to go get the manager, its going to be three or four minutes. (acting like three or four minutes is an eternity)
Me: Okay, you don't need to be so rude about it.
BAM: I don't have an attitude.
...three or four minutes later...
BAM: Here is your 70 cents.
Me: Where is your manager?
BAM: She is in the back.
Me: I want to talk to her, Now.
BAM: After I take care of these customers.
Me: no, I'll just go back there and knock on the door and talk with her.

The conversation with the manager was just an overview of what happened, and how rude BAM was to me. She reluctantly admitted that he should not have said that and that sometimes they just forget to give the discount. She also informed me that the 70 cents BAM gave me was from her pocket. To which I replied, I'm not going to be thankful for that. I didn't ask you to give it to me out of your pocket. BAM should not have been such a jerk to me, it is not good customer service.

So I leave.
Irritated.I drive around to the car wash and punch in the code.

While waiting for the car in front of me to finish, I spot it. Out of the corner of my eye I see the sign, saying;

Nowhere on the sign does it say, "but only if you ask for it".
Something came over me and I dial the number on the top of my receipt.
And here comes my real shining moment:
BAM: answers
Me: I was just in there, and I want you to know that I am sitting here in front of the car wash and I'm looking at the big 10 cents off sign and it says NOTHING about having to ask for the discount. You really need to check your attitude.
I hang up.

Then I drove into the wash, and as the water soaked my car, I melted down and sobbed.

So there is my story in all it ugliness, naked and exposed.

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