Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lets Get This Party Started!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009
Hello, please come on in.
I am April.
I am 27.
I am single.
I am one of the few non-mommy bloggers out there (I think). However, I do have an niece (her mom is one of my best friends) who will soon be a big sister, when she says 'I Love you Auntie April' my heart melts! and I totally understand the addictive nature of children.
Holding my niece the day after she was born changed me in some intangible (but wonderful way.) She is now 3 ½ going on 15. Here is a video of ‘Little Miss’ from a while ago, and a picture of her now.

sorry, I have no idea how to rotate the video

Some would call me crafty.
I really love to decorate and organize spaces
I love to scrapbook and make cards
I am interested in photography (who isn't)
I think my dog little bit is the cutest (see below post)
I love making my mom laugh
I have never been kissed (am patiently waiting)
I am diagnosed with depression and am not ashamed
Predictability in relationships makes me feel safe
I love to sing (am excited to sing in church this Sunday)
I am always ready to play some scrabble
Some would say that I have OCD, I call them Quirks
I hate wearing shoes and will avoid at all costs wearing a coat
I am forever striving to be more comes and goes :)
and I really like s'mores
My only celebrity crush is Mr. Matt Damon

Consequently my favorite movie is Good Will Hunting (However, taking out the *F* word would make it much more family friendly)

I am also hopelessly addicted to TV. I work nights in a group home so there is A LOT of down time. Recently I discovered ‘The West Wing’ series on DVD, I have watched all seven seasons and loved them all. The show really draws you into the characters. It is funny and can make you cry. You definitely want to think that this is really the way the real White House runs.

I am a Christian, I love Jesus and strive to be like him daily. I don't always (most of the time) succeed, and for that I am eternally thankful for the grace that is so freely given. Jesus makes us free, he does not load us down in a sea of rules. Simply love him, let him take your heart, and he will lead you.
Also, I love blogging. I am excited to visit your sites, and hope that you will continue to visit mine.
Have a fantastic week of blog partying!

There are so many cool prizes to be won at this year’s Ultimate Blog Party, but my top three picks would be:
USC 21 —
Free Fotomural - Custom black and white photo tiled mural on card stock
15 — A pair of
ChicBud Earphones with Swarovski CrystalsProvided by: The IE Mommy
41 —
Your choice of our Simply Precious Photo Tile Necklace ($110), or our key clasp style Boston Locket ($185)Provide by: Elemental Memories
And if my top three picks are already chosen, I’d love any of the following (in order of preference):
intl 33, intl 1, intl 36, intl 28, intl 23, intl 35, 9, 58, 100, 102, usc 57, usc 27, 89, 2, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 38, 43, 50, 51, 56, 67, 76, 91, 106, 118, 114, 119, intl 2, intl 30, intl 48, intl 51, usc 2, usc 3, usc 6, usc 28, usc 44, usc 67, usc 56, usc 47, usc 53

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