Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wasted Week?

I am sitting here thinking about the last week and how it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Obviously, my body knows that it needs to be changed in sleeping and so I have been up in the middle of the night all week, sleeping during the day and feeling just kind of out of sorts and sick feeling all week.
I had a list of things to accomplish this week and got a fair amount of those things completed. The attic is now cleaned out and organized, the wood floors were mopped/swiffered making the house the sanctuary that I need it to be. I went to church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning church/Sunday school, I am really glad that I am going regularly to church again but it is a BIG change from not really going to church for over a year. Also while I love my church the music is very different than I am used to having sung on a praise team. The same songs I have practiced and learned well are sung at different tempos with different notes and I find myself getting distracted. I got to spend an afternoon with a great friend talking and sharing over some wonderful noble Romans bread sticks with hgtv in the background. I took the dog for one walk, not seven, but to my defense it got COLD! I talked to some friends on the phone and learned that I will be an honorary aunt to a new nephew and could not be more excited that he is coming the end of June. I was able to spend a great lunch with my pastor and his wife at their favorite resturant (los bravos) it is always fun to laugh share and catch up.

Good news, I believe that I have lost at least another pound. I know that you are not supposed to weigh yourself everyday but I find that it really helps me to keep track that I am staying consistent. I don't eat well, I love carbs and I think most all vegetables taste like the dirt they came from, this has resulted in my body rebelling, getting achy, drained, and run down. I have in the past taken this great liquid vitamin called To Your Health. It gave me great energy and helped me alot. I stopped taking it only for the reason that it cost 40 dollars a month and I didn't have the extra money. At present I don't have the extra money but decided that I can't continue to feel so run down and that it is just not possible for me to change my diet as drastically as needed to get the vitamins I need and would end up paying that same amount a month trying to get the foods I need. So I am beyond excited to get the package in the mail this week. I pray that this will give me the boost that I need to start participating in my life again. The past few weeks I have withdrawn.

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