Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Longing for the Good Ole Days

As a result of the rise in gas prices and the 'not so great' economy, businesses are forced to subject the public to RIDICULOUS rules.
"Hate with a passion" is the phrase that I would use to convey the way I feel about gas stations that make you pay before you pump (when paying with cash).
There are several things that are maddening about this practice. The most frustrating being; I don't have a CLUE as to how to figure out how much gas it will take to fill up my tank. If I guess 20 dollars I have to walk inside, probably wait in line, pay the cashier and go back to my car to fill up. Now, if 20 was more money than would fit into my tank, I have to walk back inside, wait AGAIN in a line, explain that I need money back, get it and finally go back to my car to drive away. Yes, I need the exercise. Yes, I probably have the time to jump through their hoops.
Have you felt the whip of wind on a brisk -10 degree morning, jumping up and down as the gas is pouring into the tank cursing how the wind goes right through a pair of jeans. Or, have you stood on an unfinished rainy day thinking 'why did I do my hair? Now I am going to walk into the meeting smelling like wet hair spray.'
It is just the principle of the matter, I will pay for the gas, I am the customer. Have people outside ready to take my money from me. Why does paying cash feel like a punishment?
Deep Breath...I'm better now! :)

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