Thursday, January 29, 2009

Now I understand what Love is

Since being home I have had the great pleasure to re-learn my dog. Take her on walks, feed her good food, rub her belly, make her a bed and buy fleece blankets at the thrift store to make sure she is warm. Currently she is on her bed completly covered by a blanket sleeping soundly. Now if I were to even tip-toe into the kitchen she would be up and awake ready to snarf down any morsel of food that might potentially be dropped on the floor.
I've watched a lot of the show the dog whisper and have tried to become a pack leader, but there is no fooling Little Bit, she runs the show. She listens pretty well and knows when she is in trouble her ears go down and she slinks behind a chair until she feels safe to come out again. Her most repeated offense is digging through the trash or climbing on things (like a desk) to get some food. One would think that we don't feed her, really I think she has a medical problem. If she could be fixed though I wouldn't want it, she is so cute when she begs, her little ears floping one way and another, looking at you with those eyes, she knows I will relent. Today it was a carrot out of my beef stew she attacked the fork like it was live prey, good think I didn't give it to her with my hand.
I don't have kids yet, I have a beautiful neice in wisconsin who makes my spirit happy when I walk into a room and she is so genuninly happy to see me there, a dog is definalty the next best thing to K running up and giving me a big hug. Little Bit is always very happy to see me when I come in, it is cheesy but I can tell that she has missed me, and when I leave at night for work, she looks at me with a blank stare saying where do you think you are going.

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