Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Love Affair with Fake Nails

Two months ago I peeled off my fake nails in the name of saving money. French nails were my favorite so classy, so timeless. Beyond the obvious asthetic benefits of fake nails there are several other reasons why I loved them so much.

#1 you can get a good satisfying scratch
#2 they magicaly protect one from getting hangnails of any kind
#3 they made my short chubby fingers look longer and thinner.
#4 sometimes you splurge and get a pedicure while you are there.

Alas, this season of pampering has become a dream, a place that I aspire to live again. Its probably for the better, I mean I was getting a bit spoiled and need to learn how to go without my wants. Wants quickly distiguise themselves as needs when you give into them for too long.

p.s As a side note I would like to express my disgust with the practice of allowing young girls to get fake nails. Who are these parents and in what universe did they think this was acceptable. Recently, I was at a function where some kids were playing and someone was hurt. A few minutes later I saw what happened and a little girl was in A LOT of pain because one of her nails broke off. Believe me I know the pain, it hurts more than you can imagine when you lose a nail. Looking at her small nail bleeding, I felt for her. No child is capable of making the choice to get fake nails, even if the pain is described all she sees are the pretty nails, the chance to be like adults. When I looked into those tear filled eyes there was no adult, only a scared litle girl that was a victim to a choice she should have never been given. Is it wrong that I feel so strongly about this?

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